


The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers provides core data structure headers for URDF.

For now, the details of the URDF specifications reside on http://ros.org/wiki/urdf

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Build Status

Using with ROS

If you choose to check this repository out for use with ROS, be aware that the necessary package.xml is not included in this repo but instead is added in during the ROS release process. To emulate this, pull the appropriate file into this repository using the following format. Be sure to replace the ALLCAPS words with the appropriate terms:

wget https://raw.github.com/ros-gbp/urdfdom_headers-release/debian/ROS_DISTRO/UBUNTU_DISTRO/urdfdom_headers/package.xml

For example:

wget https://raw.github.com/ros-gbp/urdfdom_headers-release/debian/hydro/precise/urdfdom_headers/package.xml