


This repository holds ROS/ROS2 tools for displaying and converting event_camera_msgs under ROS and ROS2. These messages are produced by the metavision_driver.

Supported platforms

Currently tested on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 under ROS Noetic and ROS2 Galactic/Humble.

How to build

Set the following shell variables:


and follow the instructions here

Republish conversion nodelet

The republish node converts event_camera_msgs to legacy formats like dvs, prophesee, and decoded ("mono") event_camera messages. Note that this nodelet will be consuming a significant amount of CPU resources and should not be run unnecessarily while recording data. The following command will start a conversion nodelet to republish events from /event_camera/events to /event_camera/republished_events and /event_camera/republished_triggers (similar syntax under ROS2, see launch file for remapping):

roslaunch event_camera_tools republish_nodelet.launch camera:=event_camera message_type:=event_packet

ROS1/ROS2 Tools

All tools are provided in ROS and ROS2 (syntax below is for ROS):

ROS1 only tools:

ROS2 only tools


This software is issued under the Apache License Version 2.0.