


MRIcroGL is a cross-platform tool for viewing DICOM and NIfTI format images. It provides a drag-and-drop user interface as well as a scripting language. Please see the wiki page from more details. Note that the wiki page describes version 1.0 of the software, while this Github page is for the upcoming version 1.2. The changes are in general subtle, but the scripting has changed quite a bit.

Chest CT


By default, MRIcroGL 1.2 is compiled to require OpenGL 2.1 (from 2006). It can also be compiled to require OpenGL 3.3 Core (released in 2009). Alternatively, macOS users can also compile the tool for the Metal. From the user perspective, there should be no difference between these choices. If your computer does not support OpenGL 2.1, you can try MRIcron. The code can be compiled for the macOS, Linux or Windows operating system. For macOS, both ARM-based Apple Silicon and Intel-based computers are natively supported.


You can get MRIcroGL using three methods:

Once you have downloaded the software, extract the archive and run the executable. Visit the wiki for a full manual that includes troubleshooting.


Compiling with the Graphical Interface

It is generally recommended that download a pre-compiled executable (see previous section). However, you can compile your own copy from source code.

Compiling with the Command Line

It is generally recommended that download a pre-compiled executable (see earlier section). However, you can compile your own copy from source code. Download and install Lazarus 2.0.6 or later, at which point the lazbuild command should be available from the command line.

For Linux (QT5) or Windows (though see notes above), the compilation will look like this :

git clone https://github.com/rordenlab/MRIcroGL.git
lazbuild --build-ide= --add-package lazopenglcontext ./Python27-for-Lazarus/python4lazarus/python4lazarus_package.lpk
cd MRIcroGL
lazbuild  -B MRIcroGL.lpr

For MacOS, you will want to specify the modern Cocoa widgetset, rather than the legacy Cocoa widgetset:

git clone https://github.com/rordenlab/MRIcroGL.git
cd MRIcroGL
lazbuild  -B --ws=cocoa MRIcroGL.lpi

Project variations

MRIcroGL can be compiled for Linux, macOS and Windows. Compiler directives allow MRIcroGL to be tuned for various environments. Several projects are provided with different Compiler Options. For further control, one can edit the CompilerOptions fields of these projects for preferred builds. Here are the provided projects:

MRIcroGL_Debian.lpiY†NNNDebian only
MRIcroGL_MetalYYNYmacOS only
MRIcroGL_Metal_llvm.lpiYYYYmacOS only
MRIcroGL_llvm.lpiYNYYmacOS only
MRIcroGL_llvm_linux.lpiYNYYlinux only





Linux dependency

For the Linux (qt5) widgetset users will need to install libqt5pas. Hopefully this can be done with sudo apt install libqt5pas. However, you can also get a Linux libqt5pas 1.2.8 or later installer online. Head CT

Deploying MRIcroGL

The MRIcroGL executable has more functionality if it can access its Resources folder. This folder includes color lookup tables (lut folder), Python scripts (script), Material Capture (matcap), GPU Shaders (shader), default NIfTI images (standard), NIfTI atlases (atlas), as well as fonts and icons. Therefore, for full functionality, you want the executable to have access to this folder.


Linux GNOME users may also want to setup a desktop file with a name like MRIcroGL.desktop. A sample is provided in the Resources folder, but this will require minor editing since the Exec and Icon path must be absolute not relative.

Scripting and Command Line

You can use all the functions of MRIcroGL using the graphical interface. You can also create Python scripts to get precise results our automate laborious tasks.

You can also control MRIcroGL from the command line.


Supported Image Formats

MRIcroGL uses NIfTI as its native format. However, you can drag-and-drop files of various formats and the software should automatically detect and load these images.

If your image format is not supported directly by MRIcroGL, you may want to see if it is supported by the Bio-Formats module of ImageJ/Fiji. If so, you can open the image with the module and save it as NIfTI or NRRD to read it with MRIcroGL.

Rendering Technique

MRIcroGL uses single-pass raycasting to generate volume renderings.


There are many terrific free tools for viewing medical imaging data. Since they are free, consider downloading a few and using the best tool for the task at hand. Below are a couple of my personal favorites.