<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->mapscanner <a href=''><img src='man/figures/logo.png' align="right" height=210 width=182/></a>
<!-- badges: start --> <!-- badges: end -->What does this package do for me?
is an R package that enables lines drawn by hand on
maps to be converted to spatial objects. The package has two primary
functions: one for producing maps, and one for rectifying hand-drawn
lines to the coordinate system of the original map. The package is
intended for use in social surveys and similar endeavours in which
hand-drawn markings on maps need to be converted to spatial objects.
Maps can be either paper- or screen-based. Markings on paper maps need
to be scanned, photographed, or otherwise digitised, while maps with
screen-based markings need to be saved as .png
-format images.
The current stable version can be installed from CRAN with:
install.packages ("mapscanner")
Alternatively, the development version can be installed via rOpenSci’s
r-universe by running the following
prior to calling install.packages()
options (repos = c (
ropensci = "",
CRAN = ""
The package can then be loaded for usage in a R session with
library (mapscanner)
The package is designed to enable the following workflow:
Generate a map with the
function, which automatically produces both.pdf
versions; -
Either print the
version to use as desired in any kind of survey environment, or use either the.pdf
versions in digital form for screen-based surveys. -
Draw on the map;
For paper maps, digitise the drawn-on (from here on, “modified”) map, converting it to either
format; and -
Rectify the modified version against the original via the
function, which distinguishes individual annotations, and converts each one to a spatial object able to be analysed in any desired manner.
Practical tips
The mapscanner
package is intended to aid a practical workflow, and
so a few practical tips may be recommended here to ensure best results:
- The original digital files generated with
are necessary to rectify subsequently drawn-on and scanned maps, and so must be retained at all times. - Marks drawn on maps should be coloured – any black or grey markings will be ignored. This has the advantage that individual annotations not intended to be converted to spatial objects (such as unique identification or participant codes) may be made on maps in black or grey.
- For drawings of areas, best results will be achieved through
ensuring that all lines form closed polygons. While the default
type = "hulls"
argument should work even when lines are not closed, thetype = "polygons"
argument will generally produce more accurate results, yet should only be used when all lines form closed polygons (see below for details on how these two differ). - Digitised versions of paper maps should contain white borders, so do not, for example, photograph modified maps lying on dark surfaces. If maps are to be photographed, then best results can be achieved by simply placing them on a larger, enclosing sheet of white paper.
The following two sections describe the two primary functions of the
package, corresponding to the two primary steps of
producing maps to be used in surveys (or other activities), and
rectifying modified maps against these originals in order to extract
spatial objects. The second of these sections also describes the kinds
of markings able to be recognised, and the kinds of spatial objects to
which these may be converted.
Mapbox API tokens
Map generation with mapscanner
requires a personal token or key from
, which can be obtained by following
the links from
If you already have a token, the easiest way to use it with mapscanner
is to create (or edit) a file ~/.Renviron
, and insert a line,
This will then be available every time you start R, without any need to
explicitly set the token each time you want to use the package. The
token may be given any unique name that includes “mapbox” (case
insensitive). Alternatively, if you wish to keep your token truly
private, and only use it for your current R session, you may load
, and then run set_mapbox_token(<my_mapbox_token>)
Map generation
Having obtained and set a mapbox
token as
described above, mapscanner
may then be used to generate maps. The
package comes with a sample map of Omaha, Nebraska, USA, and one with
some red lines drawn on it:
That’s just a standard png
image with no notion of geographical
coordinates. The original map was generated with
bbox <- rbind (
c (-96.12923, -96.01011),
c (41.26145, 41.32220)
) # portion of omaha
ms_generate_map (bbox, max_tiles = 16L, mapname = "omaha")
#> Successfully generated 'omaha.pdf' and 'omaha.png'
As indicated, the function generates a map in both .pdf
and .png
formats. These files must be retained as the “master” maps against which
subsequently modified – drawn-over and scanned-in – versions will be
Map rectification
The magic within the mapscanner
package happens via the RNiftyReg
package, itself primarily
intended to align brain scans and other medical images, but which is
precisely the tool needed here. The package comes with two sample .png
images which can be used to demonstrate map rectification. In the
following code, f_modified
is the image shown above, modified from the
original by drawing a red line around a particular region of Omaha.
f_orig <- system.file ("extdata", "omaha.png", package = "mapscanner")
f_mod <- system.file ("extdata", "omaha-polygons.png", package = "mapscanner")
res <- ms_rectify_map (f_orig, f_mod, type = "polygons")
#> ══ mapscanner ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> ✔ Image [/usr/lib/R/library/mapscanner/extdata/omaha.png] reduced in size by factor of 2
#> ❯ Rectifying the two maps ✔ Rectified the two maps
#> ❯ Estimating optimal signal-to-noise threshold✔ Estimated optimal signal-to-noise threshold
#> ✔ Identified 2 objects
#> ❯ Converting to spatial format ✔ Converted to spatial format
#> Simple feature collection with 2 features and 0 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -96.11814 ymin: 41.26638 xmax: -96.02722 ymax: 41.30109
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> geometry
#> 1 POLYGON ((-96.11589 41.2663...
#> 2 POLYGON ((-96.03544 41.2927...
The rectification can take quite some time, during which RNiftyReg
package is constructing the
best transformation of the modified image back on to the original. The
result of ms_rectify_map()
is a spatial object in
-format in which each drawn
component is represented as a separate polygon. Finally, we can plot the
result as an interactive map using packages like
with the following
library (mapview)
mapview (res)
or mapdeck
, which similarly
requires a mapbox token:
library (mapdeck)
set_token (Sys.getenv ("<my_mapbox_token>"))
mapdeck () %>%
add_polygon (res,
fill_colour = "#ffff00cc",
stroke_colour = "#ff0000", stroke_width = 20
And our hand-drawn lines shown above have been converted to standard
spatial objects able to be analysed in any desired way. See the package
for more detail of what the mapscanner
package can do.
Code of Conduct
Please note that this package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable -->All contributions to this project are gratefully acknowledged using the allcontributors
package following the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!