

Python Proxy Requests | make an http GET/POST with a proxy scraped from https://www.sslproxies.org/

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pypi.org: https://pypi.org/project/proxy-requests/ <br><br> The ProxyRequests class first scrapes proxies from the web. Then it recursively attempts to make a request if the initial request with a proxy is unsuccessful. <br><br> Either copy the code and put where you want it, or download via pip: <br><br> <code>pip install proxy-requests</code> (or pip3) <br> <code>from proxy_requests import ProxyRequests</code> <br><br> or if you need the Basic Auth subclass as well: <br> <code>from proxy_requests import ProxyRequests, ProxyRequestsBasicAuth</code> <br><br> If the above import statement is used, method calls will be identical to the ones shown below. Pass a fully qualified URL when initializing an instance. <br><br> System Requirements: <b>Python 3</b> and the requests module. <br><br> Runs on Linux and Windows (and Mac probably) - <b>It may take a moment to run depending on the current proxy.</b> <br> Each request with a proxy is set with an 3 second timeout in the event that the request takes too long (before trying the next proxy socket in the queue). <br><br> Proxies are randomly popped from the queue. <br><br> The ProxyRequestBasicAuth subclass has the methods get(), get_with_headers(), post(), post_with_headers(), post_file(), and post_file_with_headers() that will override the Parent methods. <br>


<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequests('https://api.ipify.org') r.get() </code> </pre>

<b>GET with headers:</b>

<pre> <code> h = {'User-Agent': 'NCSA Mosaic/3.0 (Windows 95)'} r = ProxyRequests('url here') r.set_headers(h) r.get_with_headers() </code> </pre>


<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequests('url here') r.post({'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}) </code> </pre>

<b>POST with headers:</b>

<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequests('url here') r.set_headers({'name': 'rootVIII', 'secret_message': '7Yufs9KIfj33d'}) r.post_with_headers({'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}) </code> </pre>

<b>POST FILE:</b>

<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequests('url here') r.set_file('test.txt') r.post_file() </code> </pre>

<b>POST FILE with headers:</b>

<pre> <code> h = {'User-Agent': 'NCSA Mosaic/3.0 (Windows 95)'} r = ProxyRequests('url here') r.set_headers(h) r.set_file('test.txt') r.post_file_with_headers() </code> </pre>

<b>GET with Basic Authentication:</b>

<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequestsBasicAuth('url here', 'username', 'password') r.get() </code> </pre>

<b>GET with headers & Basic Authentication:</b>

<pre> <code> h = {'User-Agent': 'NCSA Mosaic/3.0 (Windows 95)'} r = ProxyRequestsBasicAuth('url here', 'username', 'password') r.set_headers(h) r.get_with_headers() </code> </pre>

<b>POST with Basic Authentication:</b>

<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequestsBasicAuth('url here', 'username', 'password') r.post({'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}) </code> </pre>

<b>POST with headers & Basic Authentication:</b>

<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequestsBasicAuth('url here', 'username', 'password') r.set_headers({'header_key': 'header_value'}) r.post_with_headers({'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}) </code> </pre>

<b>POST FILE with Basic Authentication:</b>

<pre> <code> r = ProxyRequestsBasicAuth('url here', 'username', 'password') r.set_file('test.txt') r.post_file() </code> </pre>

<b>POST FILE with headers & Basic Authentication:</b>

<pre> <code> h = {'User-Agent': 'NCSA Mosaic/3.0 (Windows 95)'} r = ProxyRequestsBasicAuth('url here', 'username', 'password') r.set_headers(h) r.set_file('test.txt') r.post_file_with_headers() </code> </pre>

<br><br> <u><b>Response Methods</b></u> <br><br> <b>Returns a string:</b> <br> <code>print(r)</code> <br> <b>Or if you want the raw content as bytes: </b> <br> <code>r.get_raw()</code> <br> <b>Get the response as JSON (if valid JSON):</b> <br> <code>r.get_json()</code> <br> <b>Get the response headers:</b> <br> <code>print(r.get_headers())</code> <br> <b>Get the status code:</b> <br> <code>print(r.get_status_code())</code> <br> <b>Get the URL that was requested:</b> <br> <code>print(r.get_url())</code> <br> <b>Get the proxy that was used to make the request:</b> <br> <code>print(r.get_proxy_used())</code> <br> <br> <b>To write raw data to a file (including an image):</b> <br>

<pre> <code> url = 'https://www.restwords.com/static/ICON.png' r = ProxyRequests(url) r.get() with open('out.png', 'wb') as f: f.write(r.get_raw()) </code> </pre> <br> <b>Dump the response to a file as JSON:</b> <br> <pre> <code> import json with open('test.txt', 'w') as f: json.dump(r.get_json(), f) </code> </pre> <br><br> This was developed on Ubuntu 16.04.4/18.04 LTS. <hr> <b>Author: rootVIII 2018-2020</b> <br><br> <img src="https://github.com/rootVIII/proxy_requests/blob/master/ex1.png" alt="example1" height="675" width="950"><hr> <img src="https://github.com/rootVIII/proxy_requests/blob/master/ex2.png" alt="example1" height="675" width="950"><hr>