

<table> <tr> <td><img src="https://plebble.net/plebble_logo.png" width="130" title="Plebble"></td> <td><img src="https://plebble.net/header.png" width="350" alt="Plebble"></td> </tr> </table>


<pre> P2P network powering a cryptocurrency ecosystem. </pre>

main site: https://plebble.net


<pre> This codebase produces the binaries run by nodes in the plebble network. Plebble is pretty much designed along cypherpunk lines, centered on values like self-sovereignty, privacy, anonymity, fairness, borderless, inclusive, distributed control and censorship resistance. Plebble is a peer-to-peer permissionless network, which means that anyone can join. Nodes run a public blockchain protocol with a nobel cooperative consensus mechanism where users are all paid for their work in transaction verification and network resilience. The network grows stronger with the number of IP4 addresses. Sybils (spawned nodes) are controlled by IPv4 address preventing an attacker from accumulating voting power without paying the cost of acquiring different IPv4 addresses, providing the traits needed to prevent this sort of attack: cost and scarcity. Major features: * creating and transfering gas (the coin controlling the behaviour (cryptoeconomics) of the system). * creating and transfering user-created coins. * Store data in accounts (Digital assets, NFC, ..) * Privacy smart wallet powered by R2R protocols. Role-to-role protocols enable powerful trading capabilities between online wallets. * Console interfaces and an android app interacting exclusively with your node. Contributions in any form are welcome. </pre>

source code stats

<pre> Totals grouped by language (dominant language first): cpp: 68848 (63.79%) java: 24113 (22.34%) sh: 8117 (7.52%) xml: 5029 (4.66%) cs: 1761 (1.63%) php: 56 (0.05%) Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 107,924 (Excluded comments and blank lines) (reported by the program sloccount) </pre>


<pre> BUILD STEPS =========== bin/configure bin/make -j8 bin/run_tests FILES - GENERAL DESCRIPTION =========================== Core0 [core0/] Public governance network - Private trading network Public System BACKEND * [us/gov/] - kernel HMI - Human-Machine Interfaces: * [us/govx/] - Console RPC client. Private System BACKEND * [us/wallet/] - kernel * [sdk] - RPC client libraries in various languages (java, c#, ...) HMI - Human-Machine Interfaces: * [us/walletx/] - Console RPC client. (written in C++) * [us/walletj/] - Console RPC client. (written in Java) * [us/android/] - Compatible with Android Studio Core1 [core1/] devops toolchain -plebble - branding particularities. UX, Look&Feel, names, colours, ... * [brands/] -r2r -Role-to-Role protocols * [r2r/] -cbs -continous build script * [bin/cbs] </pre>