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stylefmt is a tool that automatically formats your stylesheets.

🍴 This is a WIP fork from mrmlnc/vscode-stylefmt which is currently obsolete. This version is in daily use and kept up to date.

Screen cap

🖌 Advantages over prettier/stylelint - why use stylefmt?

While you should definitely use stylelint for linting CSS/SCSS, its "source.fixAll.stylelint": true can't really fix all. This plugin will fix the rest, indentations and positions etc. Trust me, you want these both.

What about Prettier? Well, it forces styles to a certain format and it doesn't give you much options. It's tricky especially with SCSS mixins and map-gets where it may even break the formatting completely by forcibly lining them up into a single line.

The official stylefmt package has not been updated since on 18 Oct 2018. However, there are still users who like to format their styles automatically and controlled with stylefmt so that's why this plugin relies on a forked npm package, @ronilaukkarinen/stylefmt. The main goal is to keep this project active and alive.

The best thing in stylefmt is that it supports stylelint out-of-the-box without being too restrictive.

So, in short: Practically this extension removes extra empty lines and indents the code to match the current indentation level. It does it a bit more efficiently than stylelint itself.

Top contributors

This plugin is constantly kept up to date by the following persons and a bunch of awesome contributors. Wanna join in development? Let us know!

Roni Laukkarinen
Roni Laukkarinen


Do you like this project? Support it by donating, creating an issue or pull request.



See the extension installation guide for details.


To automatically format on save, run <kbd>Cmd+Shift+P</kbd> (or <kbd>CTRL+Shift+P</kbd> on Windows systems) and select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) and add this to your settings.json file:

"[scss]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "ronilaukkarinen.vscode-stylefmt",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true

Supported languages

Supported settings


Base working directory; useful for stylelint extends parameter.


Config object for stylelint or path to a stylelint config file.

Will automatically look for .stylelintrc and stylelint.config.js in workspace root, or a stylelint param in the package.json, if config is omitted.


If you want to specify a file in the current directory, the path must begin with a ./ or ../ if relative to the current directory. Also you can use HOME directory as ~ symbol.


Overrides rules using Stylelint plugin settings.


Show error messages or not. Will be automatically set to false if editor.formatOnSave is enabled.

Keyboard shortcuts

For changes keyboard shortcuts, create a new rule in File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts:

  "key": "ctrl+shift+c",
  "command": "stylefmt.execute"

Custom configuration

Read about the stylelint rules and default rules in stylefmt repository.


See the Releases section of our GitHub project for changelogs for each release version.


This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.