

Fake.Br Corpus


Hello! Thank you for using our corpus!

Here you may find 3 folders, with two of them containing versions of the same corpus:

Finally, if you use our corpus, please include a citation to our project website and the corresponding paper published in PROPOR 2018 conference:

Monteiro R.A., Santos R.L.S., Pardo T.A.S., de Almeida T.A., Ruiz E.E.S., Vale O.A. (2018) Contributions to the Study of Fake News in Portuguese: New Corpus and Automatic Detection Results. In: Villavicencio A. et al. (eds) Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. PROPOR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11122. Springer, Cham

or our paper published in Expert Systems with Applications:

Silva, Renato M., Santos R.L.S, Almeida T.A, and Pardo T.A.S. (2020) "Towards Automatically Filtering Fake News in Portuguese." Expert Systems with Applications, vol 146, p. 113199.


author={Monteiro, Rafael A. and Santos, Roney L. S. and Pardo, Thiago A. S. and de Almeida, Tiago A. and Ruiz, Evandro E. S. and Vale, Oto A.},
title={Contributions to the Study of Fake News in Portuguese: New Corpus and Automatic Detection Results},
booktitle={Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language},
publisher={Springer International Publishing},

title = "Towards automatically filtering fake news in Portuguese",
journal = "Expert Systems with Applications",
volume = "146",
pages = "113199",
year = "2020",
issn = "0957-4174",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113199",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417420300257",
author = "Renato M. Silva and Roney L.S. Santos and Tiago A. Almeida and Thiago A.S. Pardo",