

SharpHash License Build Status Nuget Nuget

SharpHash is a C# hashing library that provides a fluent interface for computing hashes and checksums of strings, files, streams, bytearrays and untyped data to mention but a few.

It also supports Incremental Hashing, Cloning, NullDigest and HashName Builder.

Available Algorithms


Cyclic Redundancy Checks
Non-Cryptographic Hash Functions

32 bit hashes
64 bit hashes
128 bit hashes
Cryptographic Hash Functions

Key Derivation Functions

Password Hashing Schemes (Password Based Key Derivation Functions)


XOF (Extendable Output Function)

Usage Examples

using SharpHash.Base;
using SharpHash.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Text;

namespace Program
    public class Hello 
	public static void Main() 
	    // Chaining mode
	    string result = HashFactory.Crypto.CreateMD5()
	    			.ComputeString("Hello C#", Encoding.UTF8).ToString();

	    // Incremental mode
	    IHash hash = HashFactory.Crypto.CreateMD5();
	    hash.TransformString("Hello", Encoding.UTF8);
	    hash.TransformString(" C#", Encoding.UTF8);
	    string result_2 = hash.TransformFinal().ToString();

	    bool check = result == result_2;
	    // Using the HashName Builder variation
	    IHash hash_builder = HashFactory.CreateHash("md5");
	    string result_3 = hash_builder.ComputeString("Hello C#", 
	    bool check_2 = result == result_3;

Other Implementations

If you want implementations in other languages, you can check out these

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