

Airbrake Elixir

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Capture exceptions and send them to the Airbrake or to your Errbit installation!


# 1. Add :airbrake to applications list in your projects mix.exs

# 2. Add it to your deps in your projects mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:airbrake, "~> 0.6"},
    {:httpoison, "~> 1.0"} # if you use Elixir 1.8+

# 3. Open up your config/config.exs (or appropriate project config)
config :airbrake,
  api_key: System.get_env("AIRBRAKE_API_KEY"),
  project_id: System.get_env("AIRBRAKE_PROJECT_ID"),
  environment: Mix.env,
  host: "https://airbrake.io" # or your Errbit host

config :logger,
  backends: [{Airbrake.LoggerBackend, :error}, :console]

General usage

With Phoenix:

defmodule YourApp.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router
  use Airbrake.Plug # <- put this line to your router.ex

  # ...
  def channel do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.Channel
      use Airbrake.Channel # <- put this line to your web.ex
      # ...

Ignore some exceptions

To ignore some exceptions use :ignore key in config:

config :airbrake,
  ignore: MapSet.new(["Custom.Error"])

# or

config :airbrake,
  ignore: fn(type, message) ->
    type == "Custom.Error" && String.contains?(message, "silent error")

# or

config :airbrake,
  ignore: :all # to disable reporting

Shared options for reporting data to Airbrake

To include with every report to Airbrake a set of optional data, include the :options key in the config. This can either be a keyword list of options or a function that returns a keyword list of options. Keyword list keys that can be used are :context, :params, :session, and :env.

Options function in config

A function for creating options for reporting should be declared in the config as a tuple of {ModuleName, :function_name, 1}. This function should take as an argument a keyword list, possibly empty and should return a keyword list. The function arity is always 1.

config :airbrake,
  options: {Web, :airbrake_options, 1}

Options keyword list in config

When options are provided as a keyword list in the configuration and a specific call to Airbrake.report/2 includes options in its parameters, the options will be merged, with the parameters taking precedence.

config :airbrake,
  options: [env: %{"SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" => "environment variable"}]

Custom usage examples

# Report an exception.
try do
  exception -> Airbrake.report(exception)

With GenServer:

defmodule MyServer do
  # use Airbrake.GenServer instead of GenServer
  use Airbrake.GenServer
  # ...

With any process:

  # or
  # or with spawn
  spawn(fn -> 
  end) |> Airbrake.monitor