ClojureScript + Rum codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
- Install Java
- Install Leiningen
brew install leiningen
- Install rlwrap
brew install rlwrap
- Install NPM dependencies
npm i
- Run development server
rlwrap lein figwheel dev
- Build for production
lein cljsbuild once min
Want to contribute?
- Explore RealWorld project repo
- Read front-end spec (requirements) of the project
- Learn Rum and Citrus libraries
- Choose an issue with
help wanted
- If there's no issue for a task you want to do create an issue with description of the task so everyone knows what are you working on
- Follow the code style as much as possible, we want the codebase to be consistent
- Send PRs with small commits for a review, it's easier to understand small changes
- Join our Gitter chat realworld-dev/clojurescript