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Rollup Plugins

🍣 The one-stop shop for official Rollup plugins

This repository houses plugins that Rollup considers critical to every day use of Rollup, plugins which the organization has adopted maintenance of, and plugins that the project recommends to its users.

Plugins Found Here

aliasDefine and resolve aliases for bundle dependencies
auto-installAutomatically install dependencies that are imported by a bundle
babelCompile your files with Babel
beepSystem beeps on errors and warnings
bubleCompile ES2015 with buble
commonjsConvert CommonJS modules to ES6
data-uriImport modules from Data URIs
dsvConvert .csv and .tsv files into JavaScript modules with d3-dsv
dynamic-import-varsResolving dynamic imports that contain variables.
eslintVerify entry point and all imported files with ESLint
esm-shimReplace cjs syntax for esm output bundles
graphqlConvert .gql/.graphql files to ES6 modules
htmlCreate HTML files to serve Rollup bundles
imageImport JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, and WebP files
injectScan modules for global variables and injects import statements where necessary
jsonConvert .json files to ES6 modules
legacyAdd export declarations to legacy non-module scripts
multi-entryUse multiple entry points for a bundle
node-resolveLocate and bundle third-party dependencies in node_modules
replaceReplace strings in files while bundling
runRun your bundles in Node once they're built
stripRemove debugger statements and functions like assert.equal and console.log from your code
sucraseCompile TypeScript, Flow, JSX, etc with Sucrase
swcTranspile TypeScript/JavaScript with the speedy-web-compiler
terserGenerate a minified output bundle with terser
typescriptIntegration between Rollup and Typescript
urlImport files as data-URIs or ES Modules
virtualLoad virtual modules from memory
wasmImport WebAssembly code with Rollup
yamlConvert YAML files to ES6 modules

Other Packages Found Here

pluginutilsA set of utility functions commonly used by Rollup plugins


This repository is a monorepo which leverages pnpm for dependency management.

To begin, please install pnpm:

$ npm install pnpm -g

Working with Plugin Packages

All plugin packages are kept in the /packages directory.

Adding dependencies:

$ pnpm --filter ./packages/<name> add <package>

Where <package> is the name of the NPM package you wish to add for a plugin package, and <name> is the proper name of the plugin. e.g. @rollup/plugin-beep.


$ pnpm publish <name> [flags]

Where <name> is the portion of the plugin package name following @rollup/plugin-. (e.g. beep)

The publish script performs the following actions:


The following flags are available to modify the publish process:

Running Tests:

To run tests on all packages which have changes:

$ pnpm test

To run tests on a specific package:

$ pnpm --filter ./packages/<name> test


To lint all packages which have changes:

$ pnpm lint

To lint a specific package:

$ pnpm --filter ./packages/<name> lint

Note: Scripts in the repository will run the root test and lint script on those packages which have changes. This is also how the CI pipelines function. To run either on a package outside of that pipeline, use pnpm <script> @rollup/plugin-<name>.

Adding Plugins

While we don't have an official procedure for adding third-party plugins to this repository, we are absolutely open to the idea. If you'd like to speak about your project being a part of this repo, please reach out to @RollupJS on Twitter.
