

CMB2 Metatabs Options

Contributors: @rogerlos, @rubengc

Tags: cmb2, metaboxes, forms, fields, options, settings, tabs, cmo

Requires at least: 3.8.0

Tested up to: 4.8

Stable tag: 1.3

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Extends CMB2--create WordPress options pages with multiple metaboxes, support for tabs, and flexible menu locations.


CMB2 Metatabs Options (CMO) is a plugin (or class) for developers using CMB2 to manage metaboxes and fields. CMO makes it easy to create options pages with multiple metaboxes--and optional WordPress admin tabs. You can attach your option page(s) to any existing Wordpress menu or add them as a new top-level menu. You can also add multiple options pages!

This plugin requires the CMB2 Plugin, or your project must already utilize the CMB2 library. CMB2 is not included.

Please see the wiki at CMO's github repository for a detailed user's guide.

Thanks to the folks maintaining CMB2 for their continued development, and providing the starting point for this plugin.

Installation (as WP plugin)

Download the plugin zip file and add via Plugins->Add New->Upload. Or FTP the unzipped plugin folder to your wp_content/plugins directory. Activate the plugin within WP admin.

Note this plugin does nothing by default other than give you access to the Cmb2_Metatabs_Options() class.

You can see an example of what this plugin does by using the WP plugin editor and uncommenting the line in the main plugin file which reads "include 'example.php';".

Installation (as stand-alone class)

Copy the files within the code directory to your project and include the class file in your code. If you change the location of the JS file, you must inject 'jsuri' with its new URL into the class when creating an options page.


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