Kinetics Dataset Downloader
Kinetics-400/600/700 is a large-scale high-quality dataset of YouTube video URLs which includes a diverse range of human focused actions.
Warn·ing! This work comes with no warranty!
This script downloads the Kinetics-400, 600 or 700 dataset according to author guidelines at The original paper can be found at This script downloads only ~10 second long clips using the provided youtube video ID. Some videos may be missing because they may have been taken off YouTube or be restricted because of copyright issues.
Pre·req·ui·sites ( dependencies )
Environment: Ubuntu 16.04 (This is some-what irrelevant but worth mentioning)
Python 3
pip3 install tqdm
- youtube-dl
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
- ffmpeg
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-4
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
python -v [400 / 600 / 700] -t [train / validate / test] -d ~/Documents/datasets/kinetics_dataset/
eg. python -v 400 -t train -d ~/Documents/Kinetics_dataset
Command Line Parameters
: The version of the Kinetics dataset to be downloaded, Kinetics400,Kinetics600 or Kinetics700-t
: The split category to be downloaded, such as train, validate or test-d
: Final destintion where all videos should be dwonloaded and saved to. A directory is automatically created in this destination folder according to the parameter of-t
From the above exampple, the final destination folder may look like
|-- train
|-- validate
|-- test