Python module for easily adding, removing, and moving items on the Finder Dock in the context of the logged in user. Work in Progress.
Example Usage:
from DockEditor import Dock # Import the module
dock = Dock() # Create a Dock instance to act on.
dock.removeAll() # Remove all items from 'apps' section of Dock. Defaults to removing from 'apps' section.
dock.removeAll(section="others") # Remove all items from 'others' section of Dock.
dock.addApp("Terminal") # Add 'Terminal' application to Dock. Defaults to adding items to 'apps' section.
dock.addFile("/Users/Shared/SomeFile", section="others") # Add 'SomeFile' file item to Dock in 'others' section.
dock.addDir("/Users/Shared", label="SharedDir") # Add 'SharedDir' directory item to Dock. Specifying a label overrides the auto-generated basename label.
dock.addUrl("Reddit", "", index=0) # Add url item for 'Reddit' to Dock. Url items can only be added to 'others' section.
dock.remove("Calendar") # Remove 'Calendar' application from Dock.
dock.remove("Reddit") # Remove 'Reddit' url item from Dock.
- url-tile type Dock items only supported in the "persistent-others" section of Dock ( right side of | ).
- Dock may need to be killed after modification for changes to appear. This can be scripted with the snippet below if needed.
subprocess.check_call(["killall", "Dock"])