UR5 Controller for OpenRAVE
<p float="left"> <img src="repo_assets/ridgeback_ur5_fts150_gripper.png" width="250" /> <img src="repo_assets/ridgeback_ur5_gripper.png" width="250" /> <img src="repo_assets/ridgeback_ur5.png" width="250" /> </p>Currently we support different models (we only provide controllers for the UR5 and the two-finger gripper in this project):
- Clearpath Ridgeback + UR5 + Force Torque Sensor 150 + RobotiQ Two Finger Gripper
- Clearpath Ridgeback + UR5 + RobotiQ Two Finger Gripper
- Clearpath Ridgeback + UR5
This controller will listen to ROS topic that publishes the joint values of the UR5 robot in real time and will visualise the current state of a UR5 robot in OpenRAVE.
Another important functionality of this plugin is that is able to execute trajectories generated by OpenRAVE planners on the real robot.
There is a test program that demonstrates this functionality under
in which case will load UR5 in
OpenRAVE and then let you control the UR5 robot above a table (move left, right,
forward, backwards and rotate the gripper clockwise and anti-clockwise).
1. Developers and Contributors
UR5 OpenRAVE controller was developed by the Robot Manipulation Lab in the School of Computing at the University of Leeds.
- Author: Rafael Papallas.
- Current maintainor: Rafael Papallas.
2. License
UR5 OpenRAVE controller is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0. The full license is available here.
3. Includes
This repository includes the following:
- The custom written controller for OpenRAVE and UR5 robot.
- The URDF and SRDF files for UR5 itself, Robotiq Two-Finger Gripper, and Clearpath Ridgeback moving base.
4. Installation
You can either get this controller using a Singularity container or by building the controller as a catkin package on your host machine. The advantage of using a singularity container over building it on your host machine is that you can have a different Ubuntu and ROS version on your host machine and have UR5 Controller within a singularity container that runs Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo. For example you can have a host machine with Ubuntu 18.04 and run UR5 Controller with the Singularity container.
<details> <summary>Using Singularity container</summary> </br> The easiest way to get up and running with this controller is to use our Singularity container. </details> <details> <summary>Built from source on your own machine</summary> </br> If you wish to build this control on your host machine, you can find the instructions below.Dependencies
- ur_modern_driver needs to be installed on the computer that controls the robot and you need to run
roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur5_bringup.launch robot_ip:=THE_IP_OF_UR5_ROBOT
. - You need to install the openrave_catkin.
- You need to install and configure another OpenRAVE plugin called
this plugin is available here. I have written a small guide on how to install this plugin if you struggle to find a solution, find the tutorial here. - (OPTIONAL) Install the Robotiq controller.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd robotiq
git checkout indigo-devel
rosdep install robotiq_modbus_tcp
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-soem
cd ~/catkin_ws
- Go to your catkin worksapce e.g
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
and clone this repository:git clone
- Add the following line in your
file located under your home directory by running the following command in the terminal:echo 'export OPENRAVE_PLUGINS=$OPENRAVE_PLUGINS:~/catkin_ws/devel/share/openrave-0.9/plugins' >> ~/.bashrc
- Run
source ~/.bashrc
. - Go to your catkin workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws
and runcatkin_make
. You should see a successful message on build in which case you are ready to go. If you get any errors at this stage, please review what went wrong. - Add in your
the Python path to the UR5 class by running
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/catkin_ws/src/ur5controller/pythonsrc/ur5_robot' >> ~/.bashrc`
This will let Python know where the Python classes for creating UR5 robot instances in OpenRAVE are.
</details>5. Testing the controller
There is a file called
under scripts
that you can run and
test the controller on the real robot.
With the Python class in place, creating a UR5 robot in OpenRAVE is super easy:
<details> <summary>Show code</summary> </br>import IPython
from ur5_factory import UR5_Factory
ur5_factory = UR5_Factory()
# If you want to specify all the configuration settings (is_simulation, has_ridgeback etc)
env, robot = ur5_factory.create_ur5_and_env(is_simulation=True,
# The above is equivalent to the following (the `create_ur5_and_env` has set to defaults the values used above):
env, robot = ur5_factory.create_ur5_and_env()
If you would like to use the model with no gripper, then you need to pass None
to the gripper_name
6. Controller explained
- Load the robot in OpenRAVE using the URDF plugin:
import IPython
env = Environment()
urdf_path = "package://ur5controller/ur5_description/ur5.urdf"
srdf_path = "package://ur5controller/ur5_description/ur5.srdf"
module = RaveCreateModule(env, 'urdf')
with env:
name = module.SendCommand('LoadURI {} {}'.format(urdf_path, srdf_path))
robot = env.GetRobot(name)
env.Add(robot, True)
- You now need to attach the controllers (UR5 and the Robotiq controllers) to
the robot using the
multicontroller = RaveCreateMultiController(env, "")
robot_controller = RaveCreateController(env,'ur5controller')
hand_controller = RaveCreateController(env, 'robotiqcontroller')
multicontroller.AttachController(robot_controller, [2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6], 0)
multicontroller.AttachController(hand_controller, [3], 0)
You are now set. The OpenRAVE robot should update as you change the configuration of the actual robot, and should also execute trajectories from OpenRAVE to the actual robot.
</details>7. Other Notes
<details> <summary>Checking ROS topics for attaching controllers</summary> </br>This package will check (in if certain topics are being published
(i.e CModelRobotInput
and CModelRobotOutput
) if you chose a gripper name
equal to "robotiq_two_finger_" and will not attach the corresponding controller
if those topics are not being published. This is a defensive mechanism to avoid
method of the end-effector gripper returning false and blocking the
program execution. For more discussion, see here
8. Troubleshooting
<details> <summary>RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object</summary> </br>If you get this error while the IK are being generated, then you probably have a version of sympy > 0.7.1. Downgrade your sympy version to 0.7.1:
pip install --upgrade sympy==0.7.1
This should fix this issue.
</details> <details> <summary>TypeError: argument of type 'Poly' is not iterable</summary> </br>If you get this error while the IK are being generated, then you probably have a version of sympy > 0.7.1. Downgrade your sympy version to 0.7.1:
pip install --upgrade sympy==0.7.1
This should fix this issue.
</details> <details> <summary>Executing the trajectory on the real robot causes unintended actions</summary> </br>Issue: While OpenRAVE generates a trajectory that is smooth and valid in simulation during real execution the robot is strangely executing the trajectory.
Possible solution: We came across this issue and the problem is probably down to the UR modern driver. When UR modern driver is installed using apt-get
the problem appeared. The solution was to install UR modern driver as a catkin package (make sure to checkout the branch kinetic-devel
although is kinetic is also working with indigo).