VIM bufferlist
This is an implementation of EMACS bufferlist for Vim or Neovim.
Upon keypress this script display a nice list of buffers on the left, which can be selected with mouse or keyboard. As soon as a buffer is selected (Return, double click) the list disappears.
The selection can be cancelled with the same key that is configured to open the
list or by pressing q
. Movement key and mouse (wheel) should work as one
Buffers that are visible (in any window) are marked with *
, ones that are
modified are marked with +
To delete a buffer from the list (i.e. close the file) press d
As a Vundle user, add
Plugin 'roblillack/vim-bufferlist'
to your ~/.vimrc
or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
Alternatively, put bufferlist.vim file into your ~/.vim/plugin
directory and
set it up like this in your ~/.vimrc
Configure a hotkey to open the bufferlist:
map <silent> <F3> :call BufferList()<CR>
Optionally, change some of the settings, like the default and maximum width or the colors used for the sidebar:
let g:BufferListWidth = 25
let g:BufferListMaxWidth = 50
hi BufferSelected term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=red cterm=bold
hi BufferNormal term=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkcyan cterm=NONE
Copyright(c) 2005-2022, Robert Lillack
Redistribution in any form with or without modification permitted.