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<h4 align="center">Oh hey, I'm on Twitter too if you'd like to follow more about what I'm up to. Hopefully I'll see you there! 😊</h4> <p align="center"> <a href="https://twitter.com/robiotz" target="_blank"> https://twitter.com/robiotz </a> </p>

What is XClicker?

XClicker is an open-source, easy to use, feature-rich, blazing fast Autoclicker for linux desktops using x11.

Example image v1.4.0

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Main features

How much cps?

The highest I have got with it was around 750cps, but that was still with 1 millisecond interval.
With 0 millisecond interval, the focused application may freeze.


After cloning the repository, you only have to run this one command. The executable will be placed in ./build/release/src/xclicker.

$ make release


Check out the Installation Guide

All repositories


All contributions are welcome <3. Check out the Contibuting Guide to see how to setup your enviroment.


XClicker is licensed under GPL-3.0 LICENSE.

Dependencies are licensed by their own.