

Google Drive File System

GDFS is a FUSE based filesystem written in C++, that lets you mount your Google Drive account in Linux.



GDFS supports installation through RPM packagament tools like Yum or Zypper, with support for operating systems like OpenSUSE 13.2, OpenSUSE 13.1, RHEL 7, Fedora 23, Fedora 22 and Centos 7. In case you are using a different operating system, use the traditional package installation method in Linux (./configure, make, sudo make install) to install GDFS.

$ zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/robinthomas/openSUSE_13.2/ robin
$ sudo zypper install gdfs

If you are using a different operating system, check out Supported Operating Systems to find the repository link for your operating system.

Set the user who shall be mounting GDFS, by modifying the gdfs.mount.user in the GDFS configuration file. If no user is set, only root user can mount GDFS.

Run the gauth tool in GDFS as root user. It authenticates GDFS with your Google Drive account using OAuth2.0 protocol.

$ gauth


GDFS is installed as a systemd service. Hence you can use the systemctl command to start/stop GDFS. In case you are using an operating system with no systemd support, use the bash script /opt/gdfs/gdfs.sh to start/stop GDFS.

$ systemctl status gdfs
$ systemctl start gdfs
$ systemctl status gdfs

To enable boot-time mounting, run:

$ systemctl enable gdfs

To stop GDFS, run:

$ systemctl stop gdfs


GDFS is still a project in development. If you notice any issue, please open an issue on Github.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, feel free to send an email to robinthomas17@gmail.com.

Want to contribute? Great! Fork, edit and push!