


(Update on 2020-04-22): This talk was given a long time ago. Tools and best practices have evolved since then. For more up-to-date information, have a look at:

React Testability

This is a simple Twitter client project which demonstrates various tools and techniques for writing tests for React components, written as part of a talk (slides, video) at the London React meetup.

It shows the essentials for writing tests for a React application that can be run in Node and the browser, isolating modules under test using shallow rendering and rewire() and using Flummox for testable use of the Flux architecture.


Building and running

npm install .

# run the app
# (you can also use 'webpack-dev-server')
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
open http://localhost:8000

# run tests in the browser
open tests.html

# run tests on the command-line
make test

Libraries and Tools Used

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