

<p align="center"> <img src ="./ReadmeAssets/skrybaMD.png/" height="120" "> </p>

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SkrybaMD 📝

Simple markdown documentation generator, never again -> git conflicts among the team members which are updating documentation at the same time 💥

Motivation to create SkrybaMD

We all know that in big teams we have a lot of agreements, which needs to be stored somewhere (for newcomers and also for current developers), this script will help you to do this, create your SwiftStyleGuide.md, ArchitectureDescription.md etc. documentation in easy to maintain way 🚀

Therefore, creating of documentation for your project, should not limit you at all! Maintaining and editing documentation needs to be easy as it is possible, also we should minimalise situation when multiple team members are manually editing main documentation file, it leads us only towards problems (git conflicts), and in result slow us down 🛩. This script is intended to be very easy to use and reduce as much as possible git conflicts among the team members interaction with documentation.

How it works?



  1. Define shape of your documentation

To do so, you need to create your own doc_shape.txt (see and play with Example folder).

Follow convention explained below:

doc_shape.txt example:

i || General || general.md
i || Architecture || architecture_config.md
ii || Our Approach || our_approach.md
i || CI and Rest || ci_and_rest.md
i || Summary || summary.md

NOTE You can skip subject content file source name in doc_shape.txt file, in result you will get only subject without content in the output file e.g.:

i || General ||

  1. Create files content for each subject

If in current directory you have not created source .md file for each subject defined in doc_shape.txt, script will do it for you after first run. In the shape example which we see above, it will be e.g. file with the general.md name for "General" subject. Base on mentioned general.md file, script will create documentation body.

  1. Run Script


Run script using terminal in the directory of previously defined files (doc_shape.txt and content subjects .md files).

$ SkrybaMD generate MySuperDocumentation - if you have installed SkrybaMD globally 🌍


$ ./SkrybaMD generate MySuperDocumentation - if you have SkrybaMD script in the current directory 🏠

You will find markdown generated MySuperDocumentation.md file in the same directory 💥

Define custom relative path for output file

Skryba by default is taking the same directory for creating output file as doc_shape.txt has, but you can specify your own path for the outpuf using output --path <path> option (see --help for more info).

$ SkrybaMD output --path ./Documentations/MySuperDocumentation


NOTE: you can play around with script using "Example" folder from this repository

Check help

If you are not sure how to use it, go and hit --help to get verbose instructions

$ SkrybaMD --help


Using Homebrew

$ brew install robertherdzik/homebrew-SkrybaMD/SkrybaMD

Compiling from source

$ git clone https://github.com/robertherdzik/SkrybaMD.git
$ cd SkrybaMD
$ make install


If you have any idea how to improve the project, feel free to do it 🙌❤️