

Produce and Publish PDF Tests GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)

Video Streaming Cheatsheet

The Video Streaming Cheatsheet is a double sided page, suitable for printing, that contains common terminology used in the video streaming industry in a quick reference format.

<p> <a href="https://video-streaming-cheatsheet.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/artifacts/video-streaming-cheatsheet.pdf"> <img src="https://video-streaming-cheatsheet.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/artifacts/video-streaming-cheatsheet-thumbnail-p1.jpg" alt="video-tech-cheatsheet" height="250"> <img src="https://video-streaming-cheatsheet.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/artifacts/video-streaming-cheatsheet-thumbnail-p2.jpg" alt="video-tech-cheatsheet" height="250"> </a> </p>

It's written in LaTeX and the workflow generates a PDF downloadable here for easy printing and portability.

There is a QR code in the top right of the document that links to the latest online version.

If you follow me on twitter the workflow will automatically publish a tweet when a version is updated.

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Contributions from the community are welcome.

Add terms, correct existing terms, deprecate older less used terminology, spelling...

Instructions here.