

QMC5883L/QMC5883P: Python class for the QMC5883L/QMC5883P Three-Axis Digital Compass IC

This is a very short and simple class. It uses the I2C bus for the interface.

Initial code by Sebastian Folz, M.Sc. at http://nobytes.blogspot.com/2018/03/qmc5883-magnetic-field-sensor.html

Types of QMC5883

There are two types of QMC5883 available on the market.

The chips have totally different PCB package. On the market available both variant, but if takes Arduino modules, mostly it will be QMC5883L (@see GY-273 modules) Register map of these chips are totally different.


The both drivers uses the same interface (ie parent class) - mag_base. Could be selected, any of available driver QMC5883L or QMC5883P. Next examples use QMC5883P, but due to the same interface class could be replaced with QMC5883L

QMC5883 = QMC5883P(i2c [, temp_offset])


(x, y, z, t) = QMC5883.read_raw()

Return the raw reading for the x,y, and z axis as well as the raw temperature reading. The values are not scaled according to the sensitivity or possible offsets.

(x, y, z, t) = QMC5883.read_scaled()

Return the scaled reading for the x,y, and z axis as well as the temperature reading. The x ,y and z readings are scaled to Gauss, the temperature to °C with compensated offset On QMC5883P temperature value is always zero.

QMC5883.set_sampling rate(sampling_rate)

Sets the sampling rate of the sensor. Accepted values are:

ValueSampling rate
010 Hz
150 Hz
2100 Hz
3200 Hz


Sets the oversampling factor of the sensor. Accepted values are:



Sets the magnetic field range of the sensor. Accepted values are:

02 Gauss
18 Gauss
112 Gauss (QMC5883P only)
130 Gauss (QMC5883P only)


Resets the device using the previously configured settings. This call is not required when settings are changed.

# Example for Pycom device.
# Connections:
# xxPy | QMC5883
# -----|-------
# P9   |  SDA
# P10  |  SCL
from machine import I2C
from QMC5883 import QMC5883P

i2c = I2C(0, I2C.MASTER)
qmc5883 = QMC5883P(i2c)

x, y, z, _ = qmc5883.read_scaled()