

<img src="../master/docs/images/stew.png" width="100">

Gradient Boosted Normalizing Flows

t arXiv


The trend in normalizing flow (NF) literature has been to devise deeper, more complex transformations to achieve greater flexibility.

We propose an alternative: Gradient Boosted Normalizing Flows (GBNF) model a density by successively adding new NF components with gradient boosting. Under the boosting framework, each new NF component optimizes a sample weighted likelihood objective, resulting in new components that are fit to the residuals of the previously trained components.

The GBNF formulation results in a mixture model structure, whose flexibility increases as more components are added. Moreover, GBNFs offer a wider, as opposed to strictly deeper, approach that improves existing NFs at the cost of additional training---not more complex transformations.

Link to paper:

Gradient Boosted Normalizing Flows by Robert Giaquinto and Arindam Banerjee. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.

<img src="../master/docs/images/simple_gbnf.png" width="400">


The code is compatible with:

It is recommended that you create a virtual environment with the correct python version and dependencies. After cloning the repository, change directories and run the following codes to create a virtual environment:

python -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

(code assumes python refers to python 3.6+, if not use python3)


The experiments can be run on the following images datasets:

Additionally, density estimation experiments can be run on datasets from the UCI repository, which can be downloaded by:


Project Structure

Getting Started

The scripts folder includes examples for running the GBNF model on the Caltech 101 Silhouettes dataset and a density estimation experiment.

Toy problem: match 2-moons energy function with Boosted Real-NVPs<br/>

./scripts/getting_started_toy_matching_gbnf.sh &

Toy problem: density estimation on the 8-Gaussians with Boosted Real-NVPs<br/>

./scripts/getting_started_toy_estimation_gbnf.sh &

Density estimation of MINIBOONE dataset with Boosted Glow<br/>

./scripts/getting_started_density_estimation_gbnf.sh &

Generative modeling of Caltech 101 Silhouettes images with Boosted Real-NVPs<br/>

./scripts/getting_started_vae_gbnf.sh &
<img src="../master/docs/images/8gaussians_boosted_K1_bs64_C8_reg80_realnvp_tanh1_hsize256.gif" width="400" height="400" /> <br/> More information about additional argument options can be found by running ```python main_experiment.py -h```