



A hobby project of mine to get MBUX working on my W203 Mercedes, using an android tablet made by XTRONS to run the UI, with an Arduino linked to both CAN C + B as a decoder and encoder box, encoding can frames as Serial and sending them to the android tablet over USB Serial. It can even make the car run DOOM

Click here for youtube series

This series goes through the entire installation progress, as well as docmenting some stages you can go through to add features or change features yourself!

What works?

Currently, I have been able to process and de-code every can frame on the cars bus, allowing for reading and writing any possible valid frame to the cars ECU network.

UI Wise, it is still in early development, but allows for showing some interesting metrics that are not avaliable over ODB2

What cars are supported?

I've only tested on my W203 C200 CDI, but in theory, any W203/211/219/209 should work as their underlying CANBUS architecture is the same

What you'll need

Directory overview

Useful files