

RMRK Substrate

No Maintenance Intended

Warning: No stability and security guarantees. Not production ready.

Additional documentation https://rmrk-team.github.io/rmrk-substrate

Rust Setup

First, complete the basic Rust setup instructions.


Use Rust's native cargo command to build and launch the template node:

cargo run --release -- --dev --tmp


The cargo run command will perform an initial build. Use the following command to build the node without launching it:

cargo build --release


The RMRK RPC description can be found in RPC docs

The RPC is declared in the rmrk-rpc crate.

The Runtime implements the RPC API in the runtime/src/lib.rs inside the impl_runtime_apis macro. The node exposes the RPC interface described in the rpc.md. The RPC interface implementation passes each RPC call to the RMRK runtime API. The RPC interface declaration and implementation can be found in the file node/src/rpc.rs.

Integration Tests

The Integration Tests are located in the tests/src directory. They use the RPC interface to fetch data from the node.

How to start the tests
# (In the rmrk-substrate directory)

# Run the node
cargo run --release -- --dev --tmp

# (In another terminal)
# Start the tests
cd tests && yarn test

Instead of running all the tests at once, you can run a separate test if you like. For instance, you can type yarn testSendNft to run the tests/src/sendNft.test.ts test.

All the tests have the following name pattern: <test-name>.test.ts. To run a separate test you can type the following: yarn test<test-name>

Embedded Docs

Once the project has been built, the following command can be used to explore all parameters and subcommands:

./target/release/rmrk-substrate -h


The provided cargo run command will launch a temporary node and its state will be discarded after you terminate the process. After the project has been built, there are other ways to launch the node.

Single-Node Development Chain

This command will start the single-node development chain with persistent state:

./target/release/rmrk-substrate --dev

Purge the development chain's state:

./target/release/rmrk-substrate purge-chain --dev

Start the development chain with detailed logging:

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/rmrk-substrate -ldebug --dev

Connect with Polkadot-JS Apps Front-end

Once the node template is running locally, you can connect it with Polkadot-JS Apps front-end to interact with your chain. Click here connecting the Apps to your local node template.


A blockchain node is an application that allows users to participate in a blockchain network. Substrate-based blockchain nodes expose a number of capabilities:

There are several files in the node directory - take special note of the following:

After the node has been built, refer to the embedded documentation to learn more about the capabilities and configuration parameters that it exposes:

./target/release/rmrk-substrate --help


In Substrate, the terms "runtime" and "state transition function" are analogous - they refer to the core logic of the blockchain that is responsible for validating blocks and executing the state changes they define. The Substrate project in this repository uses the FRAME framework to construct a blockchain runtime. FRAME allows runtime developers to declare domain-specific logic in modules called "pallets". At the heart of FRAME is a helpful macro language that makes it easy to create pallets and flexibly compose them to create blockchains that can address a variety of needs.

Review the FRAME runtime implementation included in this template and note the following:


The runtime in this project is constructed using many FRAME pallets that ship with the core Substrate repository and a template pallet that is defined in the pallets directory.

A FRAME pallet is compromised of a number of blockchain primitives: