


Collection of Python/JS libraries for a standard web project


  1. Python ORM + MVC
  2. Session management and Routing (via python modules)
  3. User management - login / logout / register / forgot password
  4. JS form library
  5. Virtual (AJAX) views and manager
  6. Static (HTML) page generator for SEO
  7. Twitter Bootstrap CSS
  8. File upload management
  9. Email tools


  1. MySQL
  2. Python Modules:
    • mysql-python (mysqldb)
    • markdown2 (for emails)
    • html2text (for emails)
    • requests
    • webob
  3. WSGI web server

Start a new app

  1. start a new git repository
  2. add chaiproject as a submodule in "lib"
  3. use lib/py/chai.py startup scripts chai newapp

Sample App:

Whiteboard App

Web server

all requests are fed to the / of the url of execution set your server to handle / to app.py via wsgi

Sample nginx settings

# u-wsgi
location / {
	include uwsgi_params;
	uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/myapp.sock;

# redirect index to / (there is no index.html)
rewrite /index.html / permanent;

# write condition to restrict conf, models, controllers, lib/py,
# lib/controllers, lib/models
location ~* /(conf|models|controllers|py) {
	return 403;
