

This project is in active development. A stable version will be released soon.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rmagen/unipop/master/docs/images/unipop-logo.png" width=70 style="vertical-align:middle;"> <span style="vertical-align:middle;">Unipop</span>

Build Status

Analyze data from multiple sources using the power of graphs.

Unipop is a data Federation and Virtualization engine that models your data as a "virtual" graph, exposing a querying API using the Gremlin GQL (Sql and SPARQL are also available.)

This means you get the benefits of a graph data model without migrating/replicating/restructuring your data, whether its stored in a RDBMS, NoSql Store, or any other data source (see "Customize and Extend" below.)

Why Graphs?

Graphs provide a very "natural" way to analyze your data. The simple Vertex/Edge structure makes it very easy to model complex and varied data, and then analyze it by exploring the connections/relationships in it.

This is especially relevant for a data Federation / Virtualization platform, which integrates a large variety of different data sources, structures, and schemas.

Our chosen GQL is Gremlin, which comes as part of the Apache Tinkerpop framework. Let's compare Gremlin to SQL, the industry standard:

SQLStructured - Tables and their fields need to be explicitly defined.Joins require knowledge of all relationships (PK/FK), and can become quite complicated.Sql's syntax requires very specific, rigid structures.Queries are loosely-typed "free text", often requiring complicated ORMs.
GremlinUnstructured - Different structures can be created on the fly.Connections (i.e edges) are "First-class citizens", enabling easy exploration of your data.Queries are written in a pipelined ("functional") syntax, providing considerable flexibility.Host Language embedding. Easier to read, write, find errors, and reuse queries.

The Tinkerpop framework also provides us with other useful features "out of the box":

Getting started




Add your data sources to Unipop's configuration. Configuring a source entails mapping its schema to a "property graph" model (i.e. vertices & edges). Unipop is built in an extensible way, enabling many different mapping options.


Console, Server, Embedded, or Language drivers

Customize & Extend


How it works


Technical details.
