


TinkerPop 3 implementation on Elasticsearch backend. You should probably read up on that before proceeding.


Be warned, elastic-gremlin is still very much in development!

Getting Started!

  1. clone & build Tinkerpop 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT

  2. clone & build elastic-gremlin

    mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

  3. Create an ElasticGraph:

    BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
    /* put configuration properties as you like*/
    ElasticGraph graph = new ElasticGraph(config);
    GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();
  4. Or just use the Gremlin Server or Gremlin Console.


elasticsearch.client (Default: "NODE")

The client type used to connect to elasticsearch.

For more information read here

elasticsearch.cluster.name(Default: "elasticsearch")

The elasticsearch cluster's name.

elasticsearch.cluster.address (Default: "")

The elasticsearch nodes' address. The format is: "ip1:port1,ip2:port2,...".

elasticsearch.refresh (Default: true)

Whether to refresh the ES index before every search. Useful for testing.

elasticsearch.indexProvider (Default: "DefaultIndexProvider")

Accepts a name of a class implementing the IndexProvider interface. This interface is used to get the ES index & routing for every CRUD operation on an element.

It also provides a way to create a new index if needed. You can easly implement your own IndexProvider and use it to create a "time based partition index" for some elements, store different elements on different indices , create your index with special configurations (like analyzers), etc.. elastic-gremlin comes with DefaultIndexProvider, which only uses one index for all the data.

elasticsearch.index.name (Default: "graph")

The elasticsearch index. For use together with DefaultIndexProvider.

Bulk loading - add documentation

Gremlin Server - outdated instructions!

  1. download the latest gremlin server from here
  2. add to gremlin-server\ext folder the files from \target\lib and of course the elastic-gremlin-3.0.0.M7.jar from \target
  3. configuration: * on gremlin-server.yaml put this configuration on graphs section: { g: conf/elastic-graph.properties} * create a file named elastic-graph.properties and put there key&values according to elastic-gremlin configuration examples. to connect to running cluster on remote address use this configuration (replace the address,cluster_name and index) gremlin.graph=com.tinkerpop.gremlin.elastic.structure.ElasticGraph elasticsearch.client=TRANSPORT_CLIENT elasticsearch.cluster.address= elasticsearch.cluster.name=demo_elastic_gremlin_cluster elasticsearch.index.name=elastic_graph_index elasticsearch.refresh=false In order to create an elastic backend through the gremlinServer (data will be saved on gremlin-server/data) use this configuration: ``` gremlin.graph=com.tinkerpop.gremlin.elastic.structure.ElasticGraph elasticsearch.client=NODE elasticsearch.cluster.name=demo_elastic_gremlin_cluster elasticsearch.index.name=elastic_graph_index elasticsearch.refresh=false

4.Run the gremlin-server/bin/gremlin-server now you can communicate with the gremlin-server through rest/gremlinserver api and watch the documents stored in your elasticsearch servers :)

Gremlin Console - outdated instructions!

  1. download the latest gremlin console from here
  2. add to gremlin-console\ext folder the files from \target\lib and of course the elastic-gremlin-3.0.0.M7.jar from \target
  3. run the gremlin-console\bin\gremlin file
  4. run the following commands ```
import com.tinkerpop.gremlin.elastic.structure.ElasticGraph
g = new ElasticGraph(new BaseConfiguration())


of course you can put items on configuration like on server and load it.

######when we will release a stable version we will create a plugin and put it on maven. so all you will have to do is :install com.tinkerpop elastic-gremlin 3.0.0