


Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) codes in MATLAB for educational purposes. I developed these as a feature-wise precursor to my more serious C++ version.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The velocities in the default navier stokes versions are set to 1, which leads to breakdown of the incompressible assumption. You will need to set the velocities to proper values. Please see my c++ version for a more readily validated version.

The features I explore here in the Navier-Stokes code are (see the references section for titles and more info):



The 'navier_stokes' folder contains 2DQ9 codes for various physical configurations. There are several matlab scripts to be run that demonstrate different individual solver features. Below are explanations of each runnable script.

Lid-Driven Cavity Scripts

Simple Channel Scripts

Other Scripts

advection_diffusion and diffusion

Based on codes in (2012 Mohamad) for simple 1d and 2d diffusion and advection-diffusion problems. Each script within these folders can be run on its own.
