


Build Status Maven


Dynamic linking functions(dlopen, dlsym) in recent Android versions are restricted with caller address checked. This project can be used as a workaround by forging caller address.

The basic idea is to simply set dlopen/dlsym as JNI functions, which are actually called by trampoline code in libart.so and can be used to trick the linker.

In this way, neither /proc/self/maps file nor ELF parsing is needed, and hopefully symbol hash table could be utilized during resolution for faster symbol lookup.


The library is built with the new feature of Android Gradle Plugin for native code dependency, which would add prefab modules into the .aar file.

To use the library, first make sure that Android Gradle Plugin version 4.0+ is used. Then add the library as a dependency:

implementation 'io.github.rk700:dlfunc:0.1.1'

Put the following lines into the android block of the module's build.gradle file to enable prefab:

    buildFeatures {
        prefab true

In CMakeLists.txt file, add the following lines to expose the dlfunc library to native code:

find_package(dlfunc REQUIRED CONFIG)

target_link_libraries( # Specifies the target library.

                       # Links the dlfunc library to the target library.

Android NDK sample for prefab also provides an example for importing a prefab library.


First, include the header file dlfunc.h in the native code:

#include "dlfunc.h"

Then run the function dlfunc_init for initialization.

    if(dlfunc_init(env) != JNI_OK) {
        LOGE("dlfunc init failed");

Now just call dlfunc_dlopen and dlfunc_dlsym simply as calling dlopen/dlsym, except that the JNIEnv *env is passed in as the first argument:

    void *handle = dlfunc_dlopen(env, "libart.so", RTLD_LAZY);
    LOGI("libart handle is %p", handle);
    if(handle != NULL) {
        void *ptr = dlfunc_dlsym(env, handle, "MterpCheckBefore");
        LOGI("MterpCheckBefore is at %p", ptr);


dlfunc is distributed under Apache License 2.0.