A table/grid widget for druid ( the rust widget library). WIP. This project was to learn rust.
- Virtualized rows and columns, ie data does not have to reside in memory and there is nothing stored per row/column/cell (if fixed sizes are used).
- Custom cell and header rendering
- Columns can be static or data derived
- Selections (single cell + row & column) with keyboard control
- Sorting (multi column, asc/desc) - up front specified right now. Interactive by double clicking in column headers (CTRL for multi select).
- Trait based design for customisation (and possible monomorphisation benefits) :
- Data sources:
- Currently im::Vector is supported out of the box.
- The interface works for both virtualized and concrete data sources by reference. Minimum copying required.
- Columns:
- The default configured columns that are boxed onto the heap, allowing composition. Columns can be adapted with lenses or functions (to pull fields out of your row type).
- Implement your own "CellsDelegate" if configuration up front won't work - for example deriving columns from the data (DB result sets).
- Axes:
- The default AxisMeasures allow user driven column resizing - right now this takes up O(n) memory in items on that axis.
- The FixedAxisMeasure stores no data, so is better for huge virtual tables. See examples/bigtable - tested on a quintillion cells!
- Data sources:
- Fuller configuration (improved builder)
- Filter
- Pushdown of sort and filter (eg db backend)
- Column and row pinning
- Editing
- Selection/ clipboard
- WASM / + JS wrapper (aspirational)
- Support slow data sources (loading)
- Support fast data sources (ticking)
- Reduce memory usage of resizable columns to O(n) in the number of columns resized
- Aggregation (w/push down)
- Pivoting (w/push down)
- Tree view - not sure if this is just a weird column that hides rows
Much later:
- More optimised data representations for large in memory datasets - possibly MVCC and columnar. Maybe an add on.
Requires my own druid fork until 1108 is merged
This shows it in action and also a bug where the header resize continues when leaving the widget. Thats been fixed!
Can be considered for inclusion when its a bit further along.