

FlexConv: Continuous Kernel Convolutions with Differentiable Kernel Sizes

This repository contains the source code accompanying the paper:

FlexConv: Continuous Kernel Convolutions with Differentiable Kernel Sizes [Slides] [Poster] <br/>David W. Romero*, Robert-Jan Bruintjes*, Jakub M. Tomczak, Erik J. Bekkers, Mark Hoogendoorn & Jan C. van Gemert.



When designing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), one must select the size of the convolutional kernels before training. Recent works show CNNs benefit from different kernel sizes at different layers, but exploring all possible combinations is unfeasible in practice. A more efficient approach is to learn the kernel size during training. However, existing works that learn the kernel size have a limited bandwidth. These approaches scale kernels by dilation, and thus the detail they can describe is limited. In this work, we propose FlexConv, a novel convolutional operation with which high bandwidth convolutional kernels of learnable kernel size can be learned at a fixed parameter cost. FlexNets model long-term dependencies without the use of pooling, achieve state-of-the-art performance on several sequential datasets, outperform recent works with learned kernel sizes, and are competitive with much deeper ResNets on image benchmark datasets. Additionally, FlexNets can be deployed at higher resolutions than those seen during training. To avoid aliasing, we propose a novel kernel parameterization with which the frequency of the kernels can be analytically controlled. Our novel kernel parameterization shows higher descriptive power and faster convergence speed than existing parameterizations. This leads to important improvements in classification accuracy.

<img src="flexconv.png" alt="drawing" width="750"/>

Demo notebook

To get introduced to FlexConv and this codebase, see our demo notebook.

Repository structure

This repository is organized as follows:

Using the code

Image classification experiments are run with run_experiment.py. Cross-resolution image classification experiments are run with run_crossres.py, which trains on the source resolution for train.epochs epochs, before finetuning on the target resolution for cross_res.finetune_epochs epochs. The code can also be profiled using PyTorch's profiling tools with run_profiler.py.

Flags are handled by Hydra. See cfg/config.yaml for all available flags. Flags can be passed as xxx.yyy=value.

Useful flags


conda (recommended)

In order to reproduce our results, please first install the required dependencies. This can be done by:

conda env create -f conda_requirements.yaml

This will create the conda environment flexconv with the correct dependencies.


The same conda environment can be created with pip by running:

conda create -n flexconv python=3.8.5
conda install pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 torchaudio=0.9.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda activate flexconv
pip install -r requirements.txt

Reproducing experiments

Please see the Experiments readme for details on reproducing the paper's experiments, including checkpoints for selected models.


If you found this work useful in your research, please consider citing:

      title={FlexConv: Continuous Kernel Convolutions with Differentiable Kernel Sizes}, 
      author={David W. Romero and Robert-Jan Bruintjes and Jakub M. Tomczak and Erik J. Bekkers and Mark Hoogendoorn and Jan C. van Gemert},


We thank Nergis Tömen for her valuable insights regarding signal processing principles for FlexConv, and Silvia-Laura Pintea for explanations and access to code of her work (Pintea et al., 2021). We thank Yerlan Idelbayev for the use of the CIFAR ResNet code.

This work is supported by the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (2021) granted to David W. Romero. David W. Romero sincerely thanks Qualcomm for his support. David W. Romero is financed as part of the Efficient Deep Learning (EDL) programme (grant number P16-25), partly funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Robert-Jan Bruintjes is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) (project VI.Vidi.192.100). All authors sincerely thank everyone involved in funding this work.

This work was partially carried out on the Dutch national infrastructure with the support of SURF Cooperative. We used Weights & Biases for experiment tracking and visualization.