


pinentry-dmenu is a pinentry program with the charm of dmenu.

This program is a fork from spine which is also a fork from dmenu.


This project is no longer under development. If you have another opinion feel free to fork it.


In order to build dmenu you need the Xlib header files.


Edit config.mk to match your local setup (dmenu is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default).

Afterwards enter the following command to build and install dmenu (if necessary as root):

make clean install


To use pinentry-dmenu add in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:

pinentry-program <absolut path to pinentry-dmenu>

The config is located in ~/.gnupg/pinentry-dmenu.conf.

asterisk*Defines the symbol which is showed for each typed character
bottomfalsepinentry-dmenu appears at the bottom of the screen
min_password_length32The minimal space of the password field. This value has affect to the description field after the password field
monitor-1pinentry-dmenu is displayed on the monitor number supplied. Monitor numbers are starting from 0
prompt""Defines the prompt to be displayed to the left of the input field
fontmonospace:size=10Defines the font or font set used
prompt_bg#bbbbbbDefines the prompt background color
prompt_fg#222222Defines the prompt foreground color
normal_bg#bbbbbbDefines the normal background color
normal_fg#222222Defines the normal foreground color
select_bg#eeeeeeDefines the selected background color
select_fg#005577Defines the selected foreground color
desc_bg#bbbbbbDefines the description background color
desc_fg#222222Defines the description foreground color
embeddedfalseEmbed into window


asterisk= "# ";
prompt = "$";
font = "Noto Sans UI:size=13";
prompt_fg = "#eeeeee";
prompt_bg = "#d9904a";
normal_fg = "#ffffff";
normal_bg = "#000000";
select_fg = "#eeeeee";
select_bg = "#d9904a";
desc_fg = "#eeeeee";
desc_bg = "#d9904a";