

JQuery Advanced News Ticker 1.0.11

A powerful, flexible and animated vertical news ticker plugin for JQuery. JQuery Advanced News Ticker provides multiple callbacks and methods to allow a maximum flexibility and an easy implementation into any project.


JQuery Advanced News Ticker 1.0.1 Demo


HTML: a simple list, which may be fully customized.

<ul class="newsticker">
    <li>Etiam imperdiet volutpat libero eu tristique.</li>
    <li>Curabitur porttitor ante eget hendrerit adipiscing.</li>
    <li>Praesent ornare nisl lorem, ut condimentum lectus gravida ut.</li>
    <li>Nunc ultrices tortor eu massa placerat posuere.</li>

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/newsTicker.js"></script>

Basic usage :


With custom parameters :

    row_height: 48,
    max_rows: 2,
    speed: 600,
    direction: 'up',
    duration: 4000,
    autostart: 1,
    pauseOnHover: 0

With (custom) control buttons :

    row_height: 64,
    speed: 800,
    prevButton:  $('#prev-button'),
    nextButton:  $('#next-button'),
    stopButton:  $('#stop-button'),
    startButton: $('#start-button')

With callbacks :

    max_rows: 1,
    duration: 6000,
    startButton: $('.start'),
    hasMoved: updateInfos,
    start: function() {
        console.log('newsTicker just started !');
    pause: function() {
        console.log('newsTicker has been paused.');

function updateInfos() {

With methods :

var nt = $('.newsticker').newsTicker({
    autostart: 0,
    speed: 400


$('.newsTicker-header').hover(function() {
}, function() {


Options & Callbacks

ParameterUsageType/ValuesDefault value
row_heightdefines the height (in px) of one rowint22
max_rowdefines the number of rows displayed at the same timeint3
speeddefines the animation speed (in ms)of the rows moving up or downint (in ms)400
durationdefines the times (in ms) before the rows automatically moveint (in ms)2500
directiondefines the direction of the rows movementup or down'up'
autostartenable/disable auto start on load0 or 11
pauseOnHoverenable/disable pause when mouse hovers the newsTicker element0 or 11
nextButtonset the element triggering next action on clickJQuery elementnull
prevButtonset the element triggering prev action on clickJQuery elementnull
startButtonset the element triggering start action on clickJQuery elementnull
stopButtonset the element triggering stop action on clickJQuery elementnull
hasMovedcallback called at the end of every movement animationfunction
movingUpcallback called before launching moving up actionfunction
movingDowncallback called before launching moving down actionfunction
startcallback called on start actionfunction
stopcallback called on stop actionfunction
pausecallback called on pause action (triggered on mouseOver if pauseOnHover=1)function
unpausecalled on unpause action (triggered on mouseOut if pauseOnHover=1)function


After initializing a newsTicker instance, methods are called with .newsTicker('methodName', 'param1', 'param2', ... )

Example :

var nt = $('.newsticker').newsTicker();
var state = nt.newsTicker('getState');
<h3>Methods list</h3> | Method | Parameter(s) | Action | | ----------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `start` | | starts moving newsTicker elements | | `stop` | | stops moving newsTicker elements | | `updateOption`|`optionName`, `value` | update an option (see **Options & Callbacks** for options list) | | `getState` | | returns current state : `0` = stopped, `1` = started, `2` = paused (and started) | | `pause` | | pauses newsTicker elements without stopping them - the newsTicker has to be started to be able to pause it (the `pause` method is called on `mouseOver` if `pauseOnHover` = 1)| | `unpause` | | unpauses newsTicker elements - the newsTicker has to be started & paused to be able to unpause it (the `unpause` method is called on `mouseOut` if `pauseOnHover` = 1)| | `moveDown` | | moves elements down | | `moveUp` | | moves elements up | | `moveNext` | | moves up or down according to the current `direction` option | | `movePrev` | | moves up or down according to the current `direction` option | | `move` | | equivalent to `moveNext`, but will not move if `paused` | | `add` | `content` | adds a ticker row |

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