

<h3 align="center">Ruby on Rails Interview Questions! :tada:</h3> <p align="center"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-green.svg"> <a href="https://github.com/ellerbrock/open-source-badges/"> <img src="https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/v1/open-source.png?v=103"> </a> <a href="https://saythanks.io/to/rishiip" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/SayThanks.io-%E2%98%BC-1EAEDB.svg"> </a> </p>
What are the advantages of using Ruby on Rails in Web Development?
What are the disadvantages of using Ruby on Rails in Web Development?
What do you mean by Agile Development?
Explain MVC in terms of Rails.
What are different components of Ruby on Rails?
Give list of frameworks which is similar to Rails.
What makes Ruby different from other programming languages?
What do you mean by Meta Programming?
Explain how everything is an object in Ruby.
How could you explain the Ruby OOP model?
Give difference between last 3 versions of Rails.
What's the major improvements in Rails 5.0?
What do you mean by ORM?
What is the difference between eager and lazy loading in rails?
What is Self-Referential Association aka Self Join?
List down types of associations in Rails.
What is functionality of Helpers?
Explain eagerloading.
What are your favourite Gems?
Define block, proc and lambda and give difference between them.
What is ActiveRecord?
Explain Active Record Callbacks.
Explain Filters.
Define resource, resources, collection and namespace in terms of routes.
List down servers supported by Rails.
What things we can define within Model?
What is Asset Pipeline?
How parsing has been done from ERB file to HTML?
What is difference between String and Symbol?
What is difference between Render and Redirect?
What is difference between Gems and Plugins?
What is difference between Gemfile and Gemfile.lock?
What is difference between save and save!
What is difference between find and find_by_xxx method?
What is difference between includes and extends?
What is difference between form_for and form_tag?
What is difference between TDD and BDD?
What is difference between Application Server and Web Server?
What is difference between ==, ===, eql? and equal??
What is single table inheritance(STI) in Rails?
What is polymorphic associations in Rails? How it is differ from single table inheritance?
What will be printed after running the code here?
Lets say you have a controller method that you want to access from view. How will you do that?

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