

riscv-tools Build Status

This repository houses a set of RISC-V simulators and other tools, including the following projects:

Several RISC-V tools that were previously maintained through this repository have since been upstreamed to their parent projects and are no longer included here. Your favorite software distribution should already have packages for these upstream tools, but if it doesn't then here are a handful of my favorites:

This repository uses crosstool-ng to configure a riscv64-unknown-elf toolchain.

<a name="quickstart"></a>Quickstart

$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ export RISCV=/path/to/install/riscv/toolchain
$ ./build.sh

Ubuntu packages needed:

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev device-tree-compiler pkg-config libexpat-dev

Fedora packages needed:

$ sudo dnf install autoconf automake @development-tools curl dtc libmpc-devel mpfr-devel gmp-devel libusb-devel gawk gcc-c++ bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib-devel expat-devel

Note: This requires a compiler with C++11 support (e.g. GCC >= 4.8). To use a compiler different than the default, use:

$ CC=gcc-5 CXX=g++-5 ./build.sh

Note for OS X: We recommend using Homebrew to install the dependencies (libusb dtc gawk gnu-sed gmp mpfr libmpc isl wget automake md5sha1sum) or even to install the tools directly. This repo will build with Apple's command-line developer tools (clang) in addition to gcc.