


Bootloader recovery scripts for HiFive1 boards


To restore bootloader on your board you need programmer software. This is basically the same software that was mentioned in the riscv-rust-quickstart repo.

For HiFive1 Rev B: Segger JLink software & documentation pack for Linux

For HiFive1: OpenOCD from SiFive. You can also use a fresh upstream OpenOCD build (available as openocd-git in ArchLinux, for example).

Recovering the bootloader

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/riscv-rust/hifive1-recover
cd hifive1-recover

Alternatively, you can download it as a zip file and unpack:

wget https://github.com/riscv-rust/hifive1-recover/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd hifive1-recover-master

HiFive1 Rev B

Make sure JLinkExe is in path, otherwise add it:

PATH=$PATH:/path/to/JLink  # /tmp/JLink_Linux_V683b_x86_64, for example

Connect the board and run the recover script:

cd hifive1-revb


Make sure openocd is in path, otherwise add it:


Connect the board and run the recover script:

cd hifive1


If something doesn't work for you, feel free to open an issue.