


Go With The Flow is a Unix CLI orientated todo/task tracker.

Each todo item has a short description, a optional long description, a status and a work log.

It supports different projects with unique lists of tasks and can track time worked per task either through specifically supplying time worked or via sub-shells.

gwtf is written using the excellent gli gem so it behaves a lot like the git command line.

Tasks are stored in simple JSON files and each time you save or edit a task a backup of the previous state is made. There is a simple Ruby API for interacting with the tasks list in your own code.

Time and Date specifications are where possible done using flexible natural language parsing provided by a combination Chronic and at(1)


The simplest is to install it using the Gem, you'll get all dependencies etc sorted out.

I install gems into my private gem dir so I do not disrupt the system:

% export GEM_HOME=/home/rip/.gem
% PATH=$PATH:/home/rip/.gem/bin
% gem install gwtf

this can be done as a normal user, no root required and no changes to your OS required to use it.

Basic Usage?

By default tasks are written to ~/.gwtf.d/ directory, sub directories per project exist under this directory.

I alias gwtf to the t command using my shell alias facilities.

Adding a task

% gwtf new this is a test task
Created a new project default in /home/rip/.gwtf.d/default
   29                 this is a test task

You can pass an optional --edit or -e flag to the new command that will start your editor configured using EDITOR to edit the long form description of a task

When creating an item you can pass the same arguments as to the remind command which will schedule an emailed reminder. See the Reminders section below for details.

% gwtf new this is a test --remind="now + 1 week" --done --ifopen
Creating reminder at job for item 30: job 46 at 2012-03-13 20:09
   30                 this is a test

The above command will send an email alert 1 week from now if the item has not already been completed and mark the item as done after sending the alert, more details in the Remind section

You can set a due date for a specific task, tasks with due date will be colorized in your list output - yellow for items due today or morrow and red for overdue items. Due dates are shown in the list output etc

 % gwtf new --due="2012/04/07" this is a test

 Project test items: 1 / 11

    77     2012/04/07 test

The due date can be specificed in formats supported by Chronic

Reminders can be specificed using the Chronic, in the case where Chronic to parse it will fall back to at(1) parsing allowing arguments like "now +1 week" in addition to what Chronic supports.

Logging work for a task

Each task has a work log that you can write to:

% gwtf log 0 "Create a README file" -m 20
Logged 'Create a README file' against item 0 for 20 minutes 0 seconds

Viewing a task

% gwtf show 0
         ID: 0
    Subject: this is a test task
     Status: open
Time Worked: 20 minutes 0 seconds
    Created: 03/10/12 21:23

Work Log:
             03/10/12 21:25 Create a README file

Completing a task

% gwtf done 0
Marked item 0 as done

List of tasks

By default completed tasks are not shown:

% gwtf list
    1 D   2012-03-10 this is another test task to demonstrate

Items: 1 / 2

But you can list all tasks:

% gwtf ls -a
    0 C              this is a test task
    1 D   2012-03-10 this is another test task to demonstrate

Items: 1 / 2

The C and D flags indicate that item 0 is Closed while item 1 has a full Description that you can view with the show command. There are also a L flag that indicate an item has work log items and O that means it's overdue.

There's a short summary mode ideal for using in your login scripts:

% gwtf ls --summary
Items in all projects:

   gwtf: open:   5: closed   4: total:   9
   test: open:   0: closed   4: total:   4

Editing a task

You can edit a task subject right on the command line:

% gwtf edit 1 /another/the first
1 (open): this is the first test task to demonstrate

If you leave off the replacement logic it will edit the item using your editor as defined in EDITOR

Logging work done interactively?

If you're working on some code you can track the time spent working on it using gwtf:

% gwtf new add a readme file
Item 3 saved

% gwtf shell 3
Starting work on item 3, exit to record the action and time

This shell will have GWTF_ITEM, GWTF_PROJECT and GWTF_SUBJECT environment variables set for use in your prompt or shell script.

Now you can work in this shell and once you're done simply exit it:

% exit
Optional description for work log (start with done! to close):: First stab at writing a readme file
Recorded 91.6566 seconds of work against item 3

Your log will be visible in the show command along with a total work time for the task:

         ID: 3
    Subject: add a readme file
     Status: open
Time Worked: 1 minutes 32 seconds
    Created: 03/10/12 21:41

Work Log:
             03/10/12 21:43 First stab at writing a readme file (1 minutes 32 seconds)

You can pass --pre and --post flags to the shell command that will run shell commands before and after the subshell, this is good for tweaking your tmux status bar while working on tasks for example


There is a very simplistic project model that simply creates a new set of tasks in a different sub-directory off the top directory.

% gwtf --project=acme new this is a different project
Created a new project acme in /home/rip/.gwtf.d/acme
Item 2 saved

Note that item numbers a unique for the entire installation to avoid confusion due to overlapping item numbers.


To facilitate reminders by email we use your at system and the normal mail command present in most Unix systems. To schedule a reminder for an item you can use anything your at will accept as a time specification:

% gwtf remind 3 now + 1 week

This will create an at job that will in a week call gwtf asking it to send an email immediately. The email will be sent using the normal mail command to your Unix user. You should have a .forward file in place to send mail to where you need it otherwise you can invoke the remind command with --recipient

If you want to set a reminder for a future time but only if the item is still open by that time pass the --ifopen flag when creating the reminder

Using the show command you can see what the associated at(1) is for a reminder and you can cancel it using the remind command

% gwtf remind 3 --cancel

You can send notifications to iPhone, iPads and Macs using Boxcar, see the BOXCAR.md file in the git repository for details. Notfio is also supported for Android users, see the NOTIFO.md file for details.

Adding a reminder only task

We support reminders by abusing the projects feature creating a project specific to reminders.

To schedule a simple reminder for something do:

% gwtf remind --at="now +1 hour" do something
Creating reminder at job for item 84: job 66 at 2012-04-10 15:11
   103 L   2012-04-13 do something

Reminder items will have their due date set to the date the reminder will be sent and have a work log entry witht he output from at(1)

This creates an item in the reminders project. It's really just a shortcut to the following command:

 % gwtf -p reminders new --remind="now +1 hour" --done --ifopen do something

You can easily cancel a reminder:

% gwtf -p reminders ls
Project reminders items: 1 / 3

   103 L   2012-04-13 do something

% gwtf -p reminders done 84
   103 CL  2012-04-13 do something

The reminders project is one that is ignored by the list --summary and list --overview commands so they do not show up as tasks, but other than that they are just normal items that you can manage same as any other task.

These reminders might get recurring features in future

Daily Summary Emails

There is a helper to generate various emails about your items, you should call this from your normal cron daemon

To send a reminder about item 10, only if it's not already marked as done and mark it done once the notification has been sent:

% gwtf notify --remind=10 --ifopen --done

To send a email with a overview similar to the list --overview command:

% gwtf notify --overview

And finally to send a list of any due and overdue items - no mail will be sent if nothig is due:

% gwtf notify --due

The first command supports sending reminders to Boxcar, see the BOXCAR.md in the git repository the rest of the commands only support email.

You can specify multiple recipients using --recipient in a command seperated list:

% gwtf notify --recipient="you@your.com,boxcar://you@your.com" --remind-10

Default Project, Data Dir or Email Recipient?

You can adjust the default data dir and project which would then be saved into the config file - ~/.gwtf:

% gwtf --help
Global Options:
    --data, -d data_dir   - Path to storage directory (default: /home/rip/.gwtf.d)
    --help                - Show this message
    --project, -p project - Active project (default: default)

Now change the defaults:

% gwtf --data=/tmp/gwtf -p acme initconfig
Created a new project acme in /tmp/gwtf/acme

And confirm the change is active:

% gwtf --help
Global Options:
    --data, -d data_dir   - Path to storage directory (default: /tmp/gwtf)
    --help                - Show this message
    --project, -p project - Active project (default: acme)

You can reset to factory defaults by just removing the ~/.gwtf file or by changing the defaults again.

You can also set defaults for options to individual commands, after running initconfig your ~/.gwtf file will have empty space for each command. If you wanted to specify a default email address for reminders simply edit that file and put in:

    :recipient: rip@devco.net

Now gwtf help remind will show it's defaulting to the new email address so you do not have to keep typing the --recipient on every invocation.


R.I.Pienaar / rip@devco.net / @ripienaar / http://devco.net/