


This pack was created over the weekend of June 23rd 2018 at the iNOG + RIPE Hackathon at DoWork in Dublin, Ireland.

Special thanks to the contributors (see pack.yaml), the venue (DoWork), RIPE and the organisers.



The gonetconf pack can be installed from the command line of the stackstom server

Installation from command line:

st2 pack install git@github.com:ripe-stackstorm/GoNETCONF.git


The Stacksorm Pack comes with 2 actions which can directly be used in any workflow. Example workflows are provided.


The following workflows are provided as examples.


The workflow will take a Netconf envelope, either as a file a string and will perform a operational netconf querie against the desired device. The workflow will return a json string with the results.

Workflow Requirements

The workflow requires the stackstorm-xml pack to be installed. (https://github.com/StackStorm-Exchange/stackstorm-xml)

Workflow Parameters

|name | type | description | required | |--|---|-- |targethost | string | IP Address/FQDN of target device | true| |transport | string/enum | transport mechanism to be used (ssh/direct) Default: ssh (Not Implemented) | true | |port | Port which will be used for the netconf call | Default: 22 | true | |envelope | string | Netconf data envelope string | false | |envelope_file | string | path to file which contains a Netconf envelope | false | |username | string | Login user name to connect to the device | false | |password | string | Login password to connect to the device | false | |ssh_key | string | Path to a ssh_key used to authenticated | false | |clean_output | boolean | Should the return output from the device be cleaned from whitspaces and line returns (Default: true) | false |

Workflow Steps

Example Example: Envelope:



"result": {
  "system-information": {
    "host-name": "myhostname",
    "hardware-model": "vmx",
    "serial-number": "myserialnumber",
    "os-name": "junos",
    "os-version": "18.1R1.9"

The workflow will take a Netconf envelope, either as a file a string and will perform a netconf configuration against the desired device. The workflow will return a json string with the results.

Workflow Requirements

The workflow requires the stackstorm-xml pack to be installed. (https://github.com/StackStorm-Exchange/stackstorm-xml)

Workflow Parameters

|name | type | description | required | |--|---|-- |targethost | string | IP Address/FQDN of target device | true| |transport | string/enum | transport mechanism to be used (ssh/direct) Default: ssh (Not Implemented) | true | |port | Port which will be used for the netconf call | Default: 22 | true | |envelope | string | Netconf data envelope string | false | |envelope_file | string | path to file which contains a Netconf envelope | false | |username | string | Login user name to connect to the device | false | |password | string | Login password to connect to the device | false | |ssh_key | string | Path to a ssh_key used to authenticated | false | |clean_output | boolean | Should the return output from the device be cleaned from whitspaces and line returns (Default: true) | false | |lock | boolean | Should the datastore be locked | false | |datastore | string/enum | Name of the datastore to be used (startup,config,candidate) | true |

Workflow Steps


The following actions are supported.



|name | type | description | required | |--|---|-- |targethost | string | IP Address/FQDN of target device | true| |transport | string/enum | transport mechanism to be used (ssh/direct) Default: ssh (Not Implemented) | true | |port | Port which will be used for the netconf call | Default: 22 | true | |envelope | string | Netconf data envelope string | false | |envelope_file | string | path to file which contains a Netconf envelope | false | |username | string | Login user name to connect to the device | false | |password | string | Login password to connect to the device | false | |ssh_key | string | Path to a ssh_key used to authenticated | false | |clean_output | boolean | Should the return output from the device be cleaned from whitspaces and line returns (Default: true) | false |

Example: Envelope:




|name | type | description | required | |--|---|-- |targethost | string | IP Address/FQDN of target device | true| |transport | string/enum | transport mechanism to be used (ssh/direct) Default: ssh (Not Implemented) | true | |port | Port which will be used for the netconf call | Default: 22 | true | |envelope | string | Netconf data envelope string | false | |envelope_file | string | path to file which contains a Netconf envelope | false | |username | string | Login user name to connect to the device | false | |password | string | Login password to connect to the device | false | |ssh_key | string | Path to a ssh_key used to authenticated | false | |clean_output | boolean | Should the return output from the device be cleaned from whitspaces and line returns (Default: true) | false | |lock | boolean | Should the datastore be locked | false | |datastore | string/enum | Name of the datastore to be used (startup,config,candidate) | true |


The examples folder contains example files for netconf envlope files which can be used with envelope_file paramter


Any other business...