

<h1 align="center"> <!-- Logo --> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rill-js/rill/master/Rill-Icon.jpg" alt="Rill"/> <br/> @rill/marko <br/> <!-- Stability --> <a href="https://nodejs.org/api/documentation.html#documentation_stability_index"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/stability-experimental-orange.svg?style=flat-square" alt="API stability"/> </a> <!-- Standard --> <a href="https://github.com/feross/standard"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Standard"/> </a> <!-- NPM version --> <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/@rill/marko"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@rill/marko.svg?style=flat-square" alt="NPM version"/> </a> <!-- Downloads --> <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/@rill/marko"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/@rill/marko.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Downloads"/> </a> <!-- Gitter Chat --> <a href="https://gitter.im/rill-js/rill"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/gitter/room/rill-js/rill.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Gitter Chat"/> </a> </h1>

Universal Marko rendering middleware for Rill.

It is recommended to combine this middleware with @rill/page as seen below to facilitate full page isomorphic rendering with Marko.


npm install @rill/marko


import Rill from 'rill'
import page from '@rill/page'
import render from '@rill/marko'

// Create a rill app.
const app = Rill()

// Setup the document template.
  .html({ lang: 'en' })
  .meta({ charset: 'utf8' })
  .title('My Marko App')
  .meta({ name: 'author', content: 'Dylan Piercey' })
  .meta({ name: 'descripton', content: 'Universal JS is awesome' })
  .link({ rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'index.css' })
  .script({ src: 'index.js', async: true })

// Set locals in middleware. (access in marko with out.global)
app.use(({ locals }), next)=> {
	locals.title = '@rill/marko'
	return next()

// Render a Marko template.
const HomeTemplate = require('./home.marko')
app.get('/home', render(HomeTemplate, {
  message: 'world'


Please feel free to create a PR!