

<h1 align="center">bit7z</h1> <h3 align="center">A C++ static library offering a clean and simple interface to the 7-Zip shared libraries.</h3> <!-- navbar --> <p align="center"> <a href="#-supported-features" title="List of Features Supported by the Library">Supported Features</a> • <a href="#-getting-started-library-usage" title="Basic Source Code Examples">Getting Started</a> • <a href="#-download" title="Download Pre-compiled Packages">Download</a> • <a href="#-requirements" title="Usage Requirements">Requirements</a> • <a href="#-installation" title="Installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#%EF%B8%8F-configuration" title="Configuration">Configuration</a> • <a href="#-donate" title="Support the Project">Donate</a> • <a href="#-license" title="Project License">License</a> </p> <!-- navbar --> <div align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/rikyoz/bit7z/releases" title="Latest Stable GitHub Release"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/release/rikyoz/bit7z/all.svg?style=flat&logo=github&logoColor=white&colorB=blue&label=" alt="GitHub release"></a>&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-C++14-3F63B3.svg?style=flat&logo=C%2B%2B&logoColor=white" alt="C++14" title="C++ Standards Used: C++14">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-Windows-6E46A2.svg?style=flat&logo=&logoColor=white" alt="Windows" title="Supported Platform: Windows">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-Linux-ad3a90.svg?style=flat&logo=linux&logoColor=white" alt="Linux" title="Supported Platform: Linux">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-macOS-d43d6c.svg?style=flat&logo=apple&logoColor=white" alt="macOS" title="Supported Platform: macOS">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-BSD-red.svg?style=flat&logo=freebsd&logoColor=white" alt="BSD" title="Supported Platform: BSD">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-x86%20&middot;%20x64%20&middot;%20arm%20&middot;%20arm64-orange.svg?style=flat&logo=" alt="x86, x64, arm, arm64" title="Supported CPU Architectures: x86, x64, arm, arm64">&thinsp;<a href="#%EF%B8%8F-donate" title="Donate"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-donate-yellow.svg?style=flat&logo=paypal&logoColor=white" alt="donate"></a>&thinsp;<a href="https://github.com/rikyoz/bit7z/wiki" title="Project Documentation"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-docs-green.svg?style=flat&logo=" alt="docs"></a>&thinsp;<a href="https://ci.appveyor.com/project/rikyoz/bit7z" title="AppVeyor CI Build Status"><img src="https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/rikyoz/bit7z.svg?style=flat&logo=appveyor&logoColor=white&label=" alt="Build status"></a> <br> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/MSVC%202015+-flag.svg?color=555555&style=flat&logo=&logoColor=white" alt="MSVC 2015+" title="Supported Windows Compiler: MSVC 2015 or later">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/MinGW%206.4+%20-flag.svg?color=555555&style=flat&logo=&logoColor=white">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/GCC%204.9+-flag.svg?color=555555&style=flat&logo=gnu&logoColor=white" alt="GCC 4.9+" title="Supported Unix Compiler: GCC 4.9 or later">&thinsp;<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Clang%203.6+-flag.svg?color=555555&style=flat&logo=llvm&logoColor=white" alt="Clang 3.6+" title="Supported Unix Compiler: Clang 3.5 or later">&thinsp;<a href="https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/rikyoz/bit7z" alt="Codefactor Grade"><img alt="CodeFactor Grade" src="https://img.shields.io/codefactor/grade/github/rikyoz/bit7z?label=Code%20Quality&logo=codefactor&logoColor=white"></a>&thinsp;<a href="https://github.com/rikyoz/bit7z/blob/master/LICENSE" title="Project License: MPLv2"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-MPL--2.0-lightgrey.svg?style=flat&logo=mozilla" alt="License"></a> </div>

⚡️ Introduction

bit7z is a cross-platform C++ static library that allows the compression/extraction of archive files through a clean and simple wrapper interface to the dynamic libraries from the 7-Zip project.<br/> It supports compression and extraction to and from the filesystem or the memory, reading archives metadata, updating existing ones, creating multi-volume archives, operation progress callbacks, and many other functionalities.

🎯 Supported Features


The presence or not of some of the above features depends on the specific 7-Zip shared library used.

For example, 7z.dll should support all these features, 7za.dll should work only with the 7z file format, and 7zxa.dll can only extract 7z files.

For more information about the 7-Zip DLLs, please check this wiki page.


Some features (e.g., automatic format detection and selective extraction using regular expressions) are disabled by default, and macro definitions must be used during compilation to have them available (wiki).

🔥 Getting Started (Library Usage)

Below are a few examples that show how to use some of the main features of bit7z.

📂 Extracting Files from an Archive

#include <bit7z/bitfileextractor.hpp>

try { // bit7z classes can throw BitException objects
    using namespace bit7z;

    Bit7zLibrary lib{ "7za.dll" };
    BitFileExtractor extractor{ lib, BitFormat::SevenZip };

    // Extracting a simple archive
    extractor.extract( "path/to/archive.7z", "out/dir/" );

    // Extracting a specific file inside an archive
    extractor.extractMatching( "path/to/archive.7z", "file.pdf", "out/dir/" );

    // Extracting the first file of an archive to a buffer
    std::vector< byte_t > buffer;
    extractor.extract( "path/to/archive.7z", buffer );

    // Extracting an encrypted archive
    extractor.setPassword( "password" );
    extractor.extract( "path/to/another/archive.7z", "out/dir/" );
} catch ( const bit7z::BitException& ex ) { /* Do something with ex.what()...*/ }

Alternatively, if you only need to work on a single archive:

#include <bit7z/bitarchivereader.hpp>

try { // bit7z classes can throw BitException objects
    using namespace bit7z;

    Bit7zLibrary lib{ "7z.dll" };

    // Opening the archive
    BitArchiveReader archive{ lib, "path/to/archive.gz", BitFormat::GZip };

    // Testing the archive

    // Extracting the archive
    archive.extractTo( "out/dir/" );
} catch ( const bit7z::BitException& ex ) { /* Do something with ex.what()...*/ }

💼 Compressing Files into an Archive

#include <bit7z/bitfilecompressor.hpp>

try { // bit7z classes can throw BitException objects
    using namespace bit7z;

    Bit7zLibrary lib{ "7z.dll" };
    BitFileCompressor compressor{ lib, BitFormat::Zip };

    std::vector< std::string > files = { "path/to/file1.jpg", "path/to/file2.pdf" };

    // Creating a simple zip archive
    compressor.compress( files, "output_archive.zip" );

    // Creating a zip archive with a custom directory structure
    std::map< std::string, std::string > files_map = {
        { "path/to/file1.jpg", "alias/path/file1.jpg" },
        { "path/to/file2.pdf", "alias/path/file2.pdf" }
    compressor.compress( files_map, "output_archive2.zip" );

    // Compressing a directory
    compressor.compressDirectory( "dir/path/", "dir_archive.zip" );

    // Creating an encrypted zip archive of two files
    compressor.setPassword( "password" );
    compressor.compressFiles( files, "protected_archive.zip" );

    // Updating an existing zip archive
    compressor.setUpdateMode( UpdateMode::Append );
    compressor.compressFiles( files, "existing_archive.zip" );

    // Compressing a single file into a buffer
    std::vector< bit7z::byte_t > buffer;
    BitFileCompressor compressor2{ lib, BitFormat::BZip2 };
    compressor2.compressFile( files[0], buffer );
} catch ( const bit7z::BitException& ex ) { /* Do something with ex.what()...*/ }

Alternatively, if you only need to work on a single archive:

#include <bit7z/bitarchivewriter.hpp>

try { // bit7z classes can throw BitException objects
    using namespace bit7z;

    Bit7zLibrary lib{ "7z.dll" };
    BitArchiveWriter archive{ lib, BitFormat::SevenZip };

    // Adding the items to be compressed (no compression is performed here)
    archive.addFile( "path/to/file.txt" );
    archive.addDirectory( "path/to/dir/" );

    // Compressing the added items to the output archive
    archive.compressTo( "output.7z" );
} catch ( const bit7z::BitException& ex ) { /* Do something with ex.what()...*/ }

📑 Reading Archive Metadata

#include <bit7z/bitarchivereader.hpp>

try { // bit7z classes can throw BitException objects
    using namespace bit7z;

    Bit7zLibrary lib{ "7za.dll" };
    BitArchiveReader arc{ lib, "archive.7z", BitFormat::SevenZip };

    // Printing archive metadata
    std::cout << "Archive properties\n";
    std::cout << "  Items count: "   << arc.itemsCount() << '\n';
    std::cout << "  Folders count: " << arc.foldersCount() << '\n';
    std::cout << "  Files count: "   << arc.filesCount() << '\n';
    std::cout << "  Size: "          << arc.size() <<'\n';
    std::cout << "  Packed size: "   << arc.packSize() << "\n\n";

    // Printing the metadata of the archived items
    std::cout << "Archived items";
    for ( const auto& item : arc ) {
        std::cout << '\n';
        std::cout << "  Item index: "    << item.index() << '\n';
        std::cout << "    Name: "        << item.name() << '\n';
        std::cout << "    Extension: "   << item.extension() << '\n';
        std::cout << "    Path: "        << item.path() << '\n';
        std::cout << "    IsDir: "       << item.isDir() << '\n';
        std::cout << "    Size: "        << item.size() << '\n';
        std::cout << "    Packed size: " << item.packSize() << '\n';
        std::cout << "    CRC: " << std::hex << item.crc() << std::dec << '\n';
} catch ( const bit7z::BitException& ex ) { /* Do something with ex.what()...*/ }

A complete API reference is available in the wiki section.

🚀 Upgrading from bit7z v3 to v4

The newest bit7z v4 introduced some significant breaking changes to the library's API.

<details> <summary>Expand for more details!</summary> </details>

💾 Download

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Each released package contains:

Packages are available for both x86 and x64 architectures.

You can also clone/download this repository and build the library yourself (please, read the wiki).

🧰 Requirements


🔗 Installation

The library can be installed as a dependency of your project in a number of different ways:

Using CMake's add_subdirectory

You can directly integrate the library into your CMake project:

For example:

add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/bit7z) # Path to bit7z's repository
# Here you can enable/disable bit7z's build options, e.g.:
# set(BIT7Z_USE_NATIVE_STRING ON CACHE BOOL "enable using native OS strings" FORCE)
target_link_libraries(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE bit7z)

Using CPM.cmake

CPMAddPackage("gh:rikyoz/bit7z@<version>") # Replace <version> with the desired one.
# Here you can enable/disable bit7z's build options, e.g.:
# set(BIT7Z_AUTO_FORMAT ON CACHE BOOL "enable auto format support" FORCE)
target_link_libraries(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE bit7z)

Using vcpkg

First, you need to install the library:

vcpkg install bit7z

Then, you add bit7z as a dependency in your project's CMakeLists.txt:

find_package(unofficial-bit7z CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE unofficial::bit7z::bit7z64)

Building from source and manually linking

The wiki provides instructions on how to build the library from the source code and manually link it into your project.

🛠️ Configuration

The library is highly customizable: for a detailed list of the available build options, please refer to the wiki.

📌 7-Zip Version

While configuring bit7z via CMake, it automatically downloads the latest version of 7-Zip supported by the library.

Optionally, you can specify a different version of 7-Zip via the CMake option BIT7Z_7ZIP_VERSION (e.g., -DBIT7Z_7ZIP_VERSION="22.01").

Alternatively, you can specify a custom path containing the 7-Zip source code via the option BIT7Z_CUSTOM_7ZIP_PATH.


In general, it is best to use the same version of 7-Zip of the shared libraries that you will use at runtime.

Using 7-Zip v23.01 on Linux and macOS

By default, bit7z is compatible with the 7z.so from 7-Zip v23.01 and later.

If you plan to use the 7z.so from p7zip or 7-Zip v22.01 and earlier instead, you have two ways to make bit7z compatible:

<details> <summary>Expand for more details</summary> _On Linux and macOS_, 7-Zip v23.01 introduced breaking changes to the IUnknown interface. As a result, if you build bit7z for such a version of 7-Zip (the default), it will not support using the shared libraries from previous versions of 7-Zip (or from p7zip). Conversely, bit7z made for earlier versions of 7-Zip or for p7zip is incompatible with the shared libraries from 7-Zip v23.01 and later.

You can build the shared libraries of 7-Zip v23.01 in a backward-compatible mode by defining the macro Z7_USE_VIRTUAL_DESTRUCTOR_IN_IUNKNOWN. If this is your case, you'll need to enable the BIT7Z_USE_LEGACY_IUNKNOWN to make bit7z work (in this case, bit7z will be compatible also with previous versions of 7-Zip/p7zip).


🗺️ String Encoding

By default, bit7z follows the UTF-8 Everywhere Manifesto to simplify the use of the library within cross-platform projects. In short, this means that:

<details> <summary>Expand for more details and for other string encoding options!</summary>

On POSIX systems, std::strings are usually already UTF-8 encoded, and no configuration is needed.

The situation is a bit more complex on Windows since, by default, Windows treats std::strings as encoded using the system code page, which may not necessarily be UTF-8, like, for example, Windows-1252.

If your program deals exclusively with ASCII-only strings, you should be fine with the default bit7z settings (as ASCII characters are also UTF-8).

However, if you need to handle non-ASCII/Unicode characters, as it is likely, you have the following options:


☕️ Donate

If you have found this project helpful, please consider supporting me with a small donation so that I can keep improving it! Thank you! :pray:

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📜 License

This project is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License v2.0.<br/> For more details, please check:

Older versions (v3.x and earlier) of bit7z were released under the GNU General Public License v2.

<br/> <div align="center"> Copyright &copy; 2014 - 2024 Riccardo Ostani (<a href="https://github.com/rikyoz">@rikyoz</a>) </div> <br/>


  1. MSVC 2010 was supported until v2.x, MSVC 2012/2013 until v3.x.