

Colorful Tag

Make your tag more beautiful and powerful!


You can use {{DATE}} in tag detail default value, it will be replaced by current date.

All supported variables are:

How To Install

Community Plugin

You can install this plugin from the community plugin page in Obsidian.

Search for Colorful Tag in the community plugin page, or click here.


You can install this plugin via BRAT now.

Here is the repository for this plugin: rien7/obsidian-colorful-tag


Global Setting

You can use global setting to change the default setting for all tags.

But it will be override by per tag setting.

Per Tag Setting

You can use per tag setting to change the setting for a specific tag.

Setting list:

Tag Detail(Beta)

You can use tag detail to add more information to a tag.

You need to ENABLE it in General setting. And then add keys in per tag setting. After that, hover the corresponding tag in editing mode to modify the detail.

Shadow Text(Beta)

You can use shadow text to add shadow text to a tag.

You need to set template in Tag Detail Setting. Attention: the template must contain {{TAG}}.

For example, you have a tag TODO with this detail:

    - color: red
      priority: ⭐⭐
      text: colorful tag

And you set [{{priority}}] {{TAG}} {{text}} as the template, and then the tag will be rendered as [⭐⭐] #TODO colorful tag.


Inspired By

Support Me

Your support will be my motivation to improve Colorful Tag. If you like this plugin, please consider to buy me a coffee. Thank you!
