

Usenet Docker (personal setup) based of the nice example from https://github.com/justinhamlett/usenet-docker


Custom fitting

Docker Setup

  1. Update ./.env with the user and group IDs that will be running Docker
  2. Update ./.env and replace CONFIG and DATA paths to fit your needs (data being your collection, configs where all the tools will write their magic)
  3. Add remove the containers you want, portainer is something extra to see what still runs and not (i find it handy)
  4. The ssl in the nginx is a self signed cert, found in plexauth/root/ folder. Either patch it up with encrypt (PR?) or be lazy and add cloudflare on top of it (and set it to full ssl, instead of strict)
  5. Edit the example folder where all your configs are going to be, mainly only plexauth needs editing. You can find your .inc files and nginx information you need to alter to make it work. Based of nginx example 1 from plexauth
  6. Run docker-compose up -d to start all the Usenet services





PlexAuth Permissions

Overal setup

Since most is a combination that start with PlexAuth, you can also find me there if you need a hand: https://discord.gg/dWcjsv6