


A very simple, pure-Python implementation of the scrypt password-based key derivation function and scrypt file format libraries.



The sample code in this documentation is for Python 2.x. For Python 3.x, see the Python 3 section below.


scrypt PBKDF hash

The scrypt algorithm is a password-based key derivation function, which takes in several parameters to adjust the difficulty and returns a string of bytes. This is useful for transforming passwords into a target length, while at the same time increaing the cost of attempting to brute-froce guess a password.

import pyscrypt

hashed = pyscrypt.hash(password = "correct horse battery staple", 
                       salt = "seasalt", 
                       N = 1024, 
                       r = 1, 
                       p = 1, 
                       dkLen = 32)
print hashed.encode('hex')

Write a scrypt Encrypted File

When writing a file the N, r and p parameters are required. The salt parameter is optional, and if omitted will be generated from urandom.

import pyscrypt

with pyscrypt.ScryptFile('filename.scrypt', "password", N = 1024, r = 1, p = 1) as f:
    f.write("Hello World")

To write to a file-like object without the context manager, it is important to either close the ScryptFile manually or to call finalize to ensure the footer gets flushed:

import pyscrypt
import StringIO

output = StringIO.StringIO()
sf = pyscrypt.ScryptFile(output, "pass123", 1024, 1, 1)
sf.write("Hello world")

encrypted = output.read()

Read a scrypt Encrypted File

import pyscrypt

# Read the entire contents
with pyscrypt.ScryptFile('filename.scrypt', password = "password") as f:
    print f.read()

# Iterate over each line
with pyscrypt.ScryptFile('filename.scrypt', password = "password") as f:
    for line in f:
        print line

    # Ensure the integrity of the file after completely read
    print f.valid

Test Harness

A handful of test cases are provided for both the hash algorithm and the ScryptFile library. The ScryptFile tests generate tests that can be validated against the command line utility (http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt.html).

# python tests/run-tests-hash.py
Version: 1.6.0
Test 1: pass
Test 2: pass
Test 3: pass
Test 4: pass
Test 5: pass

# python tests/run-tests-file.py 
Version: 1.6.0
Test Encrypt/Decrypt: text_length=3 result=pass valid=True
Test Encrypt/Decrypt: text_length=16 result=pass valid=True
Test Encrypt/Decrypt: text_length=127 result=pass valid=True
Test Encrypt/Decrypt: text_length=128 result=pass valid=True
Test Encrypt/Decrypt: text_length=129 result=pass valid=True
Test Encrypt/Decrypt: text_length=1500 result=pass valid=True
Created /tmp/test-10.scrypt and /tmp/test-10.txt. Check with tarsnap.
Created /tmp/test-100.scrypt and /tmp/test-100.txt. Check with tarsnap.
Created /tmp/test-1000.scrypt and /tmp/test-1000.txt. Check with tarsnap.
Test With filename: result=pass
Test Verify: filename=tests/test1.scrypt result=pass
Test Decrypt: dec('tests/test1.scrypt') == 'tests/test1.txt' result=pass valid=None
Test Decrypt: dec('tests/test1.scrypt') == 'tests/test1.txt' result=pass valid=True
Test Decrypt: dec('tests/test1.scrypt') == 'tests/test1.txt' result=pass valid=True
Test Verify: filename=tests/test2.scrypt result=pass
Test Decrypt: dec('tests/test2.scrypt') == 'tests/test2.txt' result=pass valid=None
Test Decrypt: dec('tests/test2.scrypt') == 'tests/test2.txt' result=pass valid=None
Test Decrypt: dec('tests/test2.scrypt') == 'tests/test2.txt' result=pass valid=True

Notice that valid is sometimes None. The value of valid can take on one of three values:


The scrypt algorithm is a CPU and memory intense algorithm, by design. For comparison, here are numbers based on my MacBook Air for scrypt hashing with (N = 1024, r = 1, p =1):

CPython (what you probably have installed)

6 hashes per second

Pypy (a much faster Python implementation, see pypy.org)

250 hashes per second

C-Wrapper (See the FAQ below)

2364 hashes per second

Python 3

This library is Python 3 friendly, however, there are a few things to note.

import pyscrypt

# Hash
hashed = pyscrypt.hash(password = b"correct horse battery staple", 
                       salt = b"seasalt", 
                       N = 1024, 
                       r = 1, 
                       p = 1, 
                       dkLen = 256)
print hashed

# Write a file
with pyscrypt.ScryptFile('filename.scrypt', b'password', 1024, 1, 1) as f:
    f.write(b"Hello world")

# Read a file
with pyscrypt.ScryptFile('filename.scrypt', b'password') as f:
    data = f.read()


Why is this so slow? It is written in pure Python. It is not meant to be fast, more of a reference solution.

How do I get one of these C wrappers you speak of?

> # Download the source
> curl -L https://github.com/forrestv/p2pool/archive/13.4.tar.gz > p2pool-13.4.tar.gz

> # Untar
> tar -xzf p2pool-13.4.tar.gz

> # Build and install
> cd p2pool-13.4/litecoin_scrypt/
> python setup.py build
> sudo python setup.py install

> python
>>> import scrypt
>>> scrypt.hash(password = "correct horse staple battery", 
                salt = "seasalt", 
                N = 1024, 
                p = 1, 
                r = 1, 
                buflen = 256)

How do I get a question I have added? E-mail me at pyscrypt@ricmoo.com with any questions, suggestions, comments, et cetera.

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