

AnatoMask: Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation with Reconstruction-guided Self-masking


Linux-version for AnatoMask

Please clone our repo and install nnUNetv2 from our source.

pip install -e .

Please also ensure setting up your system variables correctly following nnUNet's instructions: instructions

Other packages that we use: cuda==12.1 torch==2.0.1 simpleitk==2.3.1

What is AnatoMask?

Our hypothesis is pretty simple: masked image modeling + ConvNet backbone = success for medical image segmentation.

Given nnUNet's state-of-the-art performance, we want to offer the option to conduct self-supervised pretraining leveraging nnUNet's whole pipeline.

Currently, we offer the option to use 1). SparK, which is the CNN equivalent of masked autoencoders and 2). AnatoMask, which refines SparK by bootstrapping difficult regions to form more difficult pretraining masks. After pretraining on some dataset, we can transfer these weights for downstream segmentation tasks.

Check out this comparison: Comparison with random masking

Currently, our backbones are all CNNs! This ensures optimal performance for segmentation :)

Pretraining using AnatoMask

Step 1: Prepare your segmentation model's encoder. An example is given for STUNet_head.py.

For more info on building your own CNN encoder, refer to SparK's guideline

Step 2: Go to ssl_pretrain

A few more things to do:

Note: You can use SparK by following the same steps and run pretrain.py


Define your function to load pretrained weights here (an example is given) EXAMPLE

Import your function and replace nnUNet's load_pretrained_weights HERE

Finally, run your nnUNet training command as usual, but adding -pretrained_weights PATH_TO_YOUR_WEIGHTS

Our workflow currently supports STUNetTrainer -> HERE

If you want to use your own model, write your own trainer class following STUNetTrainer's example.

What exactly does AnatoMask do?

We propose a reconstruction-guided masking strategy, so that the model learns the anatomically significant regions through reconstruction losses. This is done by using self-distillation. Basically, a teacher network first identifies important regions to mask and generates a more difficult mask for the student to solve.
To prevent the network from converging to a suboptimal solution early during training, we use an easy-to-hard a masking dynamics function controlling the difficulty of the MIM objective. Overview

Model Zoo




Please cite here when using AnatoMask:

Li, Y., Luan, T., Wu, Y., Pan, S., Chen, Y., & Yang, X. (2024). AnatoMask: Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation with Reconstruction-guided Self-masking. arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.06468.