


A range and area selectable :diffthis to compare partially

Vim provides a diff mode which is useful to see differences between windows. However, it always shows the differences for entire line. And it can not compare a sequence of words within a line, and sentences and paragraphs which are separated into several lines.

To compare partially everywhere in any window, this plugin provides two groups of commands, which are alternative to vim original :diffthis, :diffoff, and :diffupdate. One is for which allows to select a range of lines in diff mode. Another is for which allows to select the Visual, motion, and text object area in non-diff normal mode. Both work independently in a tab page.

Selecting a range of lines

There are :Diffthis, :Diffoff, and :Diffupdate commands available.

You can use :Diffthis to specify a range of lines to be compared. And can use :Diffoff to reset and :Diffupdate to update the differences.

Do not use vim original diff commands together with this plugin's ones. Try :Diffoff! to reset all in a trouble.

If you have installed diffchar.vim plugin, you can see the exact differences and use their options and keymaps.




Selecting the Visual, motion, and text object area

There are :VDiffthis, :VDiffoff, and :VDiffupdate commands available.

You can use :VDiffthis to specify the Visual area to be compared. And can use :VDiffoff to reset and :VDiffupdate to update the differences. Note that those commands work in non-diff normal mode.

While showing the exact differences, when the cursor is moved on a difference unit, you can see its corresponding unit highlighted in hl-Cursor, according to the g:DiffPairVisible option.

You can use ]b or ]e to jump cursor to start or end position of the next difference unit, and [b or [e to the start or end position of the previous unit.

This plugin provides the corresponding mappings to those commands, such as <Plug>(VDiffthis) and <Plug>(VDiffoff). As a default, <Leader>t and <Leader>o keys are mapped to them and, for example, v$<Leader>t selects the text from the current cursor position to the end of line and 3vis<Leader>t selects the next 3 sentences as the Visual area. And <Leader>o clears the selected area.

In addition to selecting the Visual area, you can use <Leader>t as a custom operator followed by a motion or a text object command, which will set those selected area as the Visual one and then call :VDiffthis. For example, <Leader>t$ and <Leader>t3is work same as above examples.



These options are same as those used in the diffchar.vim plugin.


These keymaps are same as those used in the diffchar.vim plugin.

MappingDefault KeyDescription
<Plug>JumpDiffCharPrevStart[bJump cursor to the start position of the previous diff unit
<Plug>JumpDiffCharNextStart]bJump cursor to the start position of the next diff unit
<Plug>JumpDiffCharPrevEnd[eJump cursor to the end position of the previous diff unit
<Plug>JumpDiffCharNextEnd]eJump cursor to the end position of the next diff unit

These keymaps are used only in this plugin.

MappingDefault KeyDescription
<Plug>(VDiffthis)<Leader>t* Call :VDiffthis for the visually selected area<br>* Set the selected motion and text object area as the Visual one and then call :VDiffthis
<Plug>(VDiffthis!)<Leader>T* Call :VDiffthis! for the visually selected area<br>* Set the selected motion and text object area as the Visual one and then call :VDiffthis!
<Plug>(VDiffoff)<Leader>oCall :VDiffoff in the current window
<Plug>(VDiffoff!)<Leader>OCall :VDiffoff! in the current tab page
<Plug>(VDiffupdate)<Leader>uCall :VDiffupdate in the current tab page

