

Thinking Wt 2: creating a TicTacToe widget

This article shows the way to create a TicTacToe widget when using the Wt library.

The application developed in step 1 of this article

The application developed in step 2 of this article

The application developed in step 3 of this article  


This article follows the same architecture as Thinking Wt 1: general. First the bare-bone architecture is implemented, so the programmer can test the application as early as possible. Next follows the dialog and widget implementation, ending with a conclusion.


The architecture, from biggest to smallest, consists of:

Step 1: implementing the bare-bone architecture

The purpose of first implementing the bare-bone architecture is to get the program running, so it can be tested. The same architecture as Thinking Wt 1 is used:

#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <Wt/WApplication>
#include <Wt/WContainerWidget>
#include <Wt/WEnvironment>
#include <Wt/WPaintDevice>
#include <Wt/WPaintedWidget>
#include <Wt/WPainter>
#include <Wt/WPushButton>
#include "tictactoe.h"
struct WtTicTacToeWidget : public Wt::WPaintedWidget
  void paintEvent(Wt::WPaintDevice *paintDevice)
    Wt::WPainter painter(paintDevice);

  TicTacToe m_tictactoe;
struct WtTicTacToeDialog : public Wt::WContainerWidget
  : m_tictactoe(new WtTicTacToeWidget)
  WtTicTacToeWidget * const m_tictactoe;
struct WtApplication : public Wt::WApplication
  WtApplication(const Wt::WEnvironment& env)
    : Wt::WApplication(env),
    m_dialog(new WtTicTacToeDialog)
    this->setTitle("Thinking Wt 2: creating a TicTacToe widget");
  WtTicTacToeDialog * const m_dialog;
Wt::WApplication *createApplication(
  const Wt::WEnvironment& env)
  return new WtApplication(env);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  return WRun(argc, argv, &createApplication);

The most notable in this setup is that WtTicTacToeWidget is a derived class of Wt::WPaintedWidget. This is because then there is most control in drawing the TicTacToe board. For now, the widget shows an image called 'R.png'.

Running the Wt application

Add the following line to your Qt project file (to prevent link errors like undefined reference to 'Wt::WRun(int, char**, Wt::WApplication* (*)(Wt::WEnvironment const&))'):

LIBS += -lwt -lwthttp

Additionally, add the following line to your Qt project file, as Wt uses the Boost.Signals library, that needs to be linked to as well:

LIBS += -lboost_signals

Add the following arguments to the [Run
Settings](CppQtCreatorRunSettings.png) (to prevent the [misc
error](CppMiscError.htm) [stat: No such file or directory. Document root
("") not

--docroot . --http-address --http-port 8080

Start the program and your favorite webbrowser. Take the webbrowser to
the following address:

## Step 2: implementing the WtTicTacToeDialog

In this simple example, the WtTicTacToeDialog shows both a
WtTicTacToeWidget and a restart button, aligned vertically. The restart
button also shows the state of the game (that is: player 1 has won,
player 2 has won, draw, game is still unfinished):

#include <boost/signals2.hpp> #include <Wt/WApplication> #include <Wt/WBreak> #include <Wt/WContainerWidget> #include <Wt/WEnvironment> #include <Wt/WEvent> #include <Wt/WPaintDevice> #include <Wt/WPaintedWidget> #include <Wt/WPainter> #include <Wt/WPushButton> #include "tictactoe.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WtTicTacToeWidget : public Wt::WPaintedWidget { WtTicTacToeWidget() { this->resize(32,32); } boost::signals2::signal<void ()> m_signal_state_changed;

int GetState() const { return 0; } void Restart() {} protected: void paintEvent(Wt::WPaintDevice *paintDevice) { Wt::WPainter painter(paintDevice); painter.drawImage(0,0,Wt::WPainter::Image("R.png",32,32)); }

private: TicTacToe m_tictactoe; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WtTicTacToeDialog : public Wt::WContainerWidget { WtTicTacToeDialog() : m_button(new Wt::WPushButton), m_tictactoe(new WtTicTacToeWidget) { this->addWidget(m_tictactoe); this->addWidget(new Wt::WBreak(this)); this->addWidget(m_button); m_button->setText("Restart"); m_tictactoe->m_signal_state_changed.connect( boost::bind( &WtTicTacToeDialog::OnStateChanged, this)); m_button->clicked().connect( this,&WtTicTacToeDialog::OnRestart); } private: Wt::WPushButton * const m_button; WtTicTacToeWidget * const m_tictactoe; void OnRestart() { m_tictactoe->Restart(); } void OnStateChanged() { switch (m_tictactoe->GetState()) { case TicTacToe::player1: m_button->setText("Player 1 has won. Click to restart"); break; case TicTacToe::player2: m_button->setText("Player 2 has won. Click to restart"); break; case TicTacToe::draw: m_button->setText("Draw. Click to restart"); break; case TicTacToe::no_winner: m_button->setText("Restart"); break; default: assert(!"Should not get here"); break; } } };

Note that the widget has only dummy [member
functions](CppMemberFunction.htm) yet, but that the dialog is fully
functional. Because I prefer using the same signal/slot system in all my
programs, I use the [Boost signals](CppBoostSignal.htm) instead of the
Wt signals. To get the widgets align vertically, I put a
[Wt::WBreak](CppWBreak.htm) between the two relevant widgets. The
unnamed [Wt::WBreak](CppWBreak.htm) will be [deleted](CppDelete.htm) by
the dialog.

## Step 3: implementing the WtTicTacToeWidget

The widget handles the interface between the TicTacToe class and the
user's mouse clicks.

#include <boost/signals2.hpp> #include <Wt/WApplication> #include <Wt/WBreak> #include <Wt/WBrush> #include <Wt/WContainerWidget> #include <Wt/WEnvironment> #include <Wt/WEvent> #include <Wt/WPaintDevice> #include <Wt/WPaintedWidget> #include <Wt/WPainter> #include <Wt/WPen> #include <Wt/WPushButton> #include "tictactoe.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct WtTicTacToeWidget : public Wt::WPaintedWidget { WtTicTacToeWidget() { //Without resize, there is nothing to paint on this->resize(GetWidth(),GetHeight()); this->clicked().connect(this,&WtTicTacToeWidget::OnClicked); this->update(); } boost::signals2::signal<void ()> m_signal_has_winner; boost::signals2::signal<void ()> m_signal_state_changed;

int GetState() const { return m_tictactoe.GetWinner(); } void Restart() { m_tictactoe = TicTacToe(); this->update(); } protected: void paintEvent(Wt::WPaintDevice paintDevice) { Wt::WPainter painter(paintDevice); const int width = GetWidth(); const int height = GetHeight(); //Set black pen Wt::WPen pen = painter.pen(); pen.setCapStyle(Wt::RoundCap); pen.setColor(Wt::WColor(255,255,255)); painter.setPen(pen); painter.setBrush(Wt::WBrush(Wt::WColor(255,255,255))); painter.drawRect(0.0,0.0,GetWidth(),GetHeight()); //Set thick white pen pen.setColor(Wt::WColor(0,0,0)); const int line_width = std::min(width,height) / 15; pen.setWidth(line_width); painter.setPen(pen); //Vertical lines painter.drawLine( ((1width)/3)+4, 0+(line_width/2), ((1width)/3)-4,height-(line_width/2)); painter.drawLine( ((2width)/3)-4, 0+(line_width/2), ((2width)/3)+8,height-(line_width/2)); //Horizontal lines painter.drawLine( 0+(line_width/2),((1height)/3)+4, width-(line_width/2),((1height)/3)-4); painter.drawLine( 0+(line_width/2),((2height)/3)-4, width-(line_width/2),((2*height)/3)+8);

for (int row=0; row!=3; ++row)
  const int x1 = ((row + 0) * (width / 3)) + (line_width/1) + 4;
  const int x2 = ((row + 1) * (width / 3)) - (line_width/1) - 4;
  for (int col=0; col!=3; ++col)
    const int y1 = ((col + 0) * (height / 3)) + (line_width/1) + 4;
    const int y2 = ((col + 1) * (height / 3)) - (line_width/1) - 4;
    const int state = m_tictactoe.GetSquare(row,col);
    if (state == TicTacToe::player1)
      //player1 = cross
    else if (state == TicTacToe::player2)
      //player1 = circle


private: TicTacToe m_tictactoe; int GetWidth() const { return 300.0; } int GetHeight() const { return 300.0; }

void OnClicked(const Wt::WMouseEvent& e) { if (m_tictactoe.GetWinner() != TicTacToe::no_winner) return; const int x = 3 * e.widget().x / this->GetWidth(); if (x < 0 || x > 2) return; const int y = 3 * e.widget().y / this->GetHeight(); if (y < 0 || y > 2) return; if (m_tictactoe.CanDoMove(x,y)) { m_tictactoe.DoMove(x,y); //emit that the state has changed this->m_signal_state_changed(); } if (m_tictactoe.GetWinner() != TicTacToe::no_winner) { //emit that there is a winner this->m_signal_has_winner(); } this->update(); } };

## Conclusion

This [article](CppArticle.htm) described the gradual development of a
custom dialog and widget. Using the architecture described in [Thinking
Wt 1: general](CppThinkingWt1.htm), it is possible to have multiple
steps-in-between to check if the program still works.

The [tool](Tools.htm) [TestTicTacToe](ToolTestTicTacToe.htm) contains
the polished and slightly extended version of the code in this

My next article, [Thinking Wt 3: TicTacToe game](CppThinkingWt3.htm)
describes how I implement the WtTicTacToeWidget in a full game.

![The application developed in step 1 of this article](thinking_wt_2_1.png)

![The application developed in step 2 of this article](thinking_wt_2_2.png)

![The application developed in step 3 of this article](thinking_wt_2_3.png)

## External links

 * [Wt homepage](http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt)
 * [The original HTML article](http://richelbilderbeek.nl/CppThinkingWt2.htm)
## References

1.  [Wt homepage](http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt)
2.  [Victor Volkman. Wt: C++ Web Toolkit Library Lets You Write
    Scripting-Independent Web Apps.
3.  [Wt homepage, source code of the 'Hello world'

## Acknowledgements

Thanks Tor Arne Fallingen for notifying me that I omitted linking to