

:heavy_check_mark: Correct C++

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Correct C++ is a free, libre and open-source course that corrects (hence the name) exercises for both the right results and good practices.

:warning: this course does not work until I've updated the scripts to use GitHub Actions :warning:

The first chapter, scoreboard, shows how this course works.

#Chapter nameGoal
0scoreboardExperience part of how this course works
1helloExperience how this course works
2hello_worldCreate a Hello world program
3hello_cliCreate a CLI application
4show_argsShow CLI arguments
5is_oddHandle exceptions
6bool_to_coinAchieve 100% code coverage (easy)
7int_to_wordAchieve 100% code coverage (hard)
8is_primeLower code complexity (easy)
9is_perfectLower code complexity (hard)
10is_evenUse a regular expression
11euler_1Multiples of 3 and 5, Project Euler 1
12euler_2Even Fibonacci numbers




See FAQ.

Chapters under construction

#Chapter nameGoal
?hello_sfmlUse SFML
?hello_qtUse SFML
?to_morseConvert a std::string to morse