Trestle Mobility Integration (trestle-mobility)
Mobility integration plugin for the Trestle admin framework
Features / problems
- Manage Mobility translations with a space-efficient dropdown interface in Trestle
- Supports text fields, text area's and check boxes
- Integrates with DeepL Pro to automatically translate fields
Getting started
These instructions assume you have a working Trestle application. To integrate trestle-mobility, first add it to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'trestle-mobility'
Run bundle install
, and then run the install generator to set up configuration options.
$ rails generate trestle:mobility:install
Trestle Mobility requires you to enable Mobility's locale_accessors
Assuming you've setup your models with Mobility's translates
directives, you can use the mobility_text_field
, mobility_text_area
and mobility_check_box
field types:
Trestle.resource(:posts) do
form do |post|
mobility_text_field :title
mobility_text_field :subtitle
mobility_text_area :content
mobility_check_box :published
Trestle Mobility allows you to specify the language that is selected by default:
mobility_text_field :subtitle, selected: "nl"
By default Trestle Mobility uses I18n.available_locales
to generate the form fields, but you can specify the languages on a per-field basis:
mobility_text_field :title, locales: %w(nl de fr)
Quoting Mobility's README:
(Note however that Mobility will complain if you have I18n.enforce_available_locales set to true and you try accessing a locale not present in I18n.available_locales; set it to false if you want to allow any locale.)
DeepL translation
<img src="/screenshot-deepl.png?raw=true" width="410" height="241" alt="Trestle Mobility DeepL integration screenshot" />Trestle Mobility can automatically populate empty field values with translations from other languages. This functionality is powered by the excellent deepl-rb gem. To make use of this, add deepl-rb
to your Gemfile and specify your DeepL Pro API key in your Trestle initializer:
config.mobility.deepl_api_key = "YOUR-API-KEY"
It is possible to pass any DeepL API options to the field (check out the deepl-rb documentation section on params):
mobility_text_area :content, rows: 14, deepl_query_params: { tag_handling: "xml" }